Chapter 20: Would It Kill You To Pretend I Exist?

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"No way in hell Lee," I spat venomously, my face a strawberry red. "You are not painting my nails."

She pouted softly, hazel eyes peeping up at me through dark lashes, pleading. I gave her a 'really?' scowl and rolled over on the couch, pressing myself closer to Jay's warm body as I did so. It weird being so open. My mum and dad had both taken the early train into town to enjoy a thrilling Saturday of furniture shopping. Needless to say, Jay and I had both shared an amused look before passing on the activity, instead opting to spend the day at home with Lee and Lewis over to help us 'study'.

"Why not?" she whined, clutching the garish blue nail polish so tightly her knuckles turned white. "You have such nice nails,they'd look great painted. And painted nails are in, look at all the pop punk singers!"

"What about me ever gave youthe impression that I wanted to look like a pop punk singer?" I yelled, glaring daggers in her direction while Jay and Lewis chuckled in the background.

"Your general edgy, emo demeanour?"

This statement only served to further amuse Jay and Lewis, who both broke into a chorus of loud, bellowing laughter. I groaned and buried my face in a nearby cushion. My face burned with a fiery embarrassment but I somehow managed to squeak, "I hate you all."

Lee smirked knowingly, and tapped her now multi-coloured nails against the wooden table in a smug manner. "You don't hate Jay though, do you?"

"Shut up!" I yelled, my voice muffled by the cotton cushion still rammed against my features. Lee and Lewis's laughter echoed in my ears while Jay reached his arms around me and gently pried the cushion away.

"You'll suffocate yourself," he mumbled, his almost silent words hot against my ear. I shivered. "And, um, between you and me," he continued, a faint blush present on his cheeks, "I rather like you alive."

I was suddenly grateful for the constant teasing earlier. It meant that Lee and Lewis couldn't tell that I was blushing because of Jay's words, not their own.

"I'm thirsty," I complained, trying to steer the subject away from Jay and I's relationship. Lee ignored me, instead focusing on painting thin black stripes on her ring finger. Her pale face was the picture of concentration, one eye half closed, nose scrunched up, pink tongue sticking out. Lewis lay sprawled across the floor, watching her intently.

"Why do girls do that?" he wondered aloud, his eyebrows creased together in confusion. Lee shot him a playful glare.

"Because," she stated, shrugging. "I like it."

Lewis frowned. "You don't need all that makeup. You're already pretty the way you are."

"I'm going to get a drink!" I announced, as Lee's cheeks turned a dark pink colour. Lewis was staring resolutely at his trainers, and I gave him a quick thumbs up and discreetly mouthed, "Get in there!" as I dragged Jay into the kitchen to avoid any awkward moments.

"Three guesses as to what they're going to go do," Lee snorted as Jay and I passed under the doorframe. I scowled and slammed the door shut, swearing at them both under my breath repeatedly.

"I hate the pair of them," I grumbled under my breath. Even though the words were harsh, my voice was laced with affection. My heavy glower darkened as I realised this. Jay smiled.

"Fancy some tea?" I offered, casually strolling over to the kettle and flicking the switch. Thanks to my constant thirst for the British beverage, I regularly filled up the kettle. Ninety per cent of the time it was ready to go, filled up to max, just a flip of a switch needed and it was raring to go.

I was very particular when it came to my tea.

"Um, yeah thanks," Jay mumbled, busying himself with teabags and porcelain cups right away. "You think Lee and Lewis want some?"

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