Chapter 2: Rumors

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In the early morning of early autumn, the cool breeze blows gently.

Little Watermelon takes off his pants to the knees and sits on the toilet with a serious expression.

Dandan opens door ajar and comes in, getting down on the ground and staring at little Watermelon.

Bo Yu walks in, kicks Dandan incidentally, and draws some tissues, "Little Watermelon, come here! Wipe your bottom."

"Oh." Little Watermelon answers and then obediently comes over to him.

On seeing that, Bo Yu quickly put down the lid of the toilet and pushes the button.

Dandan stops by the toilet, looking alienated.

"Papa, what happened to Dandan?"

"The leopard cannot change his spots. Remember to close the door next time when you go to the bathroom." Bo Yu watches little Watermelon wipe his bottom. Then Bo Yu wipes it again.

It is the first day of work today, and Bo Yu can"t be late. So, in the early morning, he sends little Watermelon to the preschool class.

This is the first time that little Watermelon is away from Bo Yu. It is hard for him to express his fear. He tightly holds the edge of Bo Yu"s clothes by his fingers and says tearfully, "Papa, will you take me home?"

Kids are always restless when they first leave their parents. Especially, little Watermelon is only more than one year old now.

Because Bo Yu cannot stay with little Watermelon at work, he has no choice but to say coldly, "Of course. Call me when you miss me. If you forget it, ask the teacher to call me.

After a pause, Bo Yu continues, "Little Watermelon, let me go. I"m going to make money for you to marry your wife in the future."

The young female teacher of the preschool class walks over and feels Bo Yu"s face familiar at the sight of him, but she cannot recall him for a while and says, "Hello, I"m Chen Tingting, responsible for taking care of your baby.".

After introducing herself briefly, Ms. Chen bends down and says gently, "What"s your name, baby? I"m Teacher Tingting. May I show you around? There are many children here."

Little Watermelon is unwilling to leave Bo Yu but turns his head, "Hello, teacher. My name is little Watermelon."

Knowing that this is the first time for little Watermelon to have classes alone, Ms. Chen doesn"t let him stay with his father long and quickly takes him into the classroom.

Bo Yu looks at the back of little Watermelon"s head, feeling a sense of loss.

But that feeling is short-lived.

After clearing up his feeling, Bo Yu goes to work with a new car that costs only 100,000 yuan.

[Tingfeng Agency]

Bo Yu takes out his sunglasses and a mask and wears them expertly. He rapidly walks towards the hall of the agency.

Tingfeng agency recruits a group of potential trainees every year.

This year is no exception. So, Bo Yu attracts many people"s attention as soon as he walks into the hall of the agency.

"Who is that? Wearing a mask, he might get a heat stroke."

"He doesn"t look like a big name, but he seems familiar."

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