Chapter 22

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"You said before that Bai Yu mistakenly drank the water you originally planned to give to Song Shirin. Now, can you tell me why you're doing this?"

However, when Qi Yan was still proud, Mo was not satisfied with the conversation.

Qi Yan's face immediately changed.

Mo Anyu stood up, picked up a brand new cup, poured red wine, and shook it slightly in his hand.

Qi Yan's back suddenly became wet.

"I was almost blinded by you before. However, it's not too late to react. Mo Anyu's tone was cold, "Who allowed you to act without permission?"

Qi Yan subconsciously retorted, "I can't wait, as long as I think that Bai Yu is also in Huacheng, Song Shirin's attitude is not accurate... Mo Anyu, you are also responsible for this matter, and now that something happens, none of us can shirk the responsibility!"

Mo Anyu stood up, looked directly into Qi Yan's eyes, and said word by word, "I'll give you another chance, take Song Shirin away from him immediately, don't say no!"

"I can't do it." Qi Yan was afraid of Mo Anyu's eyes, but at the same time, he also knew very well that he couldn't complete the orders Mo Anyu gave him.

Not to mention that Song Shirin's attitude towards himself is hot and cold now, even more than ten years ago, before he left Song Shirin, the other party would definitely not obey him.

"In that world, there is no idol superstar Qi Yan anymore, there is only Qi Yan who is humble to the dust." Don't settle for threats.

Qi Yan turned around, his panicked expression faded, and a triumphant smile slowly appeared on his face with his back to Mo Anyu, and said coldly: "After the matter is completed, our cooperative relationship will be completely broken."

Mo Anyu picked up the club again and said, "Of course."

Qi Yan strode out of the room.

"Knock" a ball into the hole.


"Mom?" Song Shirin took out his mobile phone and found that the caller ID was Song's mother and answered.

Mother Song said in a deep voice: "Are you still with Bai Yu now?"

"We've broken up a long time ago." Song Shirin replied truthfully.

"Don't fool me!" Song's mother was emotional, "Xiao Yan told me, you don't want to go back to your good home, but you want to buy a house next to Bai Yu's house, do you dare to say that you haven't gotten back together?"

Qi Yan? Song Shirin's eyes narrowed.

"Bai Yu's net worth is not clean, you can't get involved with whoever you play with!" Mother Song was heartbroken, "I arranged a dinner for you, the other party is the daughter of Uncle Han Shi's family, you must go to the appointment this time!"

"Mom, I have something in my company, and I can't leave." Song Shirin said lightly.

Mother Song's attitude was tough, "Okay." You can not go, but you have to move from Bai Yu's house!"

"Nope." Song Shirin subconsciously refused.

Mother Song sneered: "I still said that I didn't break up with Bai Yu!"

Song Shirin did not continue to explain.

Mother Song sneered, "It doesn't matter how you played before, but this time it will never be willful with you." I'll pick you up tomorrow night."

After speaking, Song's mother didn't listen to Song Shirin's explanation and hung up the phone directly.

Song Shirin frowned, his brows furrowed into a small mountain. After a long while, he stretched out his hand and pressed it, his eyes were deep, and he pursed his lips and didn't know what he was thinking.

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