Deep Blue Eyes

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My dear fans, I took a short break from my fantasy books, and now I'm back again with this beautiful story of young love. I have written something similar called first love on my other account, but chose to rewrite this story and not make it into a fantasy but simply a love story that will be in three parts. This is book one and I hope you like it and read book two and three as I continue to write them. Thank you for your support. Please comment and let me know if you enjoyed my chapters and please vote for me too.


She walked as fast as her feet could take her down the long hallway, trying not to bump into other students, when the second bell rang loud and clear.

"Crap, I'm going to be late for class again and that's not an option!" She muttered under her breath, as she picked up speed and headed straight for lab.

Many students rushed past her to get to their classes, and blinded by tears, she made a sharp right turn, and her petite body slammed hard against what felt like iron steel. Pain speared throughout her being, as she struggled to regain her composure. Abby's books and pencils dropped from her hold and she watched in horror, as they scattered across the floor.

"Damn!" A deep voice cursed out loud and two powerful hands gripped her by the shoulders to steady her just as she was losing her balance and was about to fall backwards.

Annoyed that this incident would make her even more late for class, Abby tilted her head backwards and her eyes slowly rose upwards to meet the boy who stood before her to give him a piece of her mind, but when she looked into his deep blue eyes, she was lost for words.

From somewhere behind her she heard Mrs. Clement authoritative voice, and then heard the lab door slam shut. "Get your hands off me," she yelled, as she struggled to wiggle out of his grip, "Because of you I will receive another tardy and my perfect score will drop by five points!"

Steven arched an eye brow, amusement danced in his eyes and Abby wanted to slap the half smile off his handsome face.

"You came charging like a bull from around the corner, you crash into me and you blame me for your tardiness?"

Abby's mind stopped, her heart pounded against her chest and she nearly fainted, as she realized just who she was standing in front of, "Yeah, you ...."

This was Steven, the most popular boy in Maine South high school, captain and star of the football team, the smartest and handsomest student in their high school, loved and chased after by all the girls in the entire school.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, Steven let go of her shoulders and bent over to collect her things.

"I can do that myself thank you!" Abby snapped, and bent over to grab her stuff.

After gathering what he could, Steven straightened himself up to his six feet two inches height and handed the books back to her, "Next time watch where you're going!" He told her impatiently before he turned around and dismissed her!

Abby watched him walk away and she was fueled by anger, how dare he make her late and then have the audacity to dismiss her as if his shit didn't stink! She was about to call out and tell him what she thought of him when the security lady down the hall appeared.

"Excuse me," she shouted, "why are you not in class!"

Ignoring her, Abby quickly made it to class just as the teacher was passing out the lab assignment. "Partner up with the person next to you and complete the assignment by three o clock, and Miss Abby," Mrs Clements piercing gaze had Abby's full attention, "I expect you to stay after class today, you will clean up the mess and straighten out the room, and I will deduct five point from your score for this semester!"

Silence draped around the room and Abby's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, everyone was staring at her with laughter in their eyes. She did everything she could to hold back the tears that threatened to spill, as she sat down in her chair and opened her book.

It was a long one hour and forty five minutes in the lab, but she kept herself busy with the assignment and when everyone exited the lab room, she immediately cleaned up the mess and placed all the chairs on the tables. When the room looked tidy, she grabbed her belongings and excused herself.

"Not so fast Miss Abby," Abby didn't like the tone of Mrs. Clements voice, "I need a word with you!"

Turning herself around, Abby walked over to the teachers desk and stood quietly waiting for Mrs. Clements outburst. She pulled forward in her chair with her arms crossed. Her cold, half smile and beaded eyes unnerved Abby, as she waited for her lab teacher to speak her mind.

"You have been late five times now in my class, clearly a sign of disrespect," the smile was completely gone now and Mrs. Clements eyes grew cold, and void of life, "I don't appreciate brats who are selfish and only care of themselves."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." Mrs. Clements rolled her eyes and drummed her fingers on the wooden desk , the teacher's words were true, Abby thought, but it wasn't her fault, she waited every morning for her father to leave for work before she stepped out of her room, and if her father was late to exit the house that made her late also. "From now on I will try my hardest to ...."

Mrs. Clements cut off Abby's words and said in a lower tone of voice, "if you do not want five points taken off your perfect grade, starting next week on Monday, you will stay after school everyday until the end of the week and assist the librarian, am I understood?"

Relief flooded through her, she would do anything to keep her perfect score, she relied on it to get her scholarships for college. Not trusting herself to speak she merely nodded in response.

"You may leave now!" Mrs Clements dismissed her and her gaze dropped back to the pile of papers on her desk.

Angry at herself with the way the day unfolded, Abby made her way to her locker and only then did she allow the tears to travel down her face. Placing her books on the shelf, she collected only the ones she would need to do her homework assignments and then slammed the door shut.

Leaning against the metal door Abby closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, as soon as she opened her eyes this morning the day had gone bad, the fear that her father would make her late again, and then bumping into Steven, and last but not least Mrs Clement's wrath. Abby wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and searched the hallway up and down praying she would never run into Steven ever again, the humiliation of today's events was horrific. This was a long day and she couldn't wait to get home and hide away in her room.

It was now three thirty and almost all the students had vacated the premises. Abby hurried along to the exit and pushed the doors open. She stepped out into the sunshine and took a moment to breath fresh air into her lungs.

"You again!"

Abby whipped her head around and her heart sank, it was Steven, with heart pounding rapidly against her chest, she ignored him and walked away.  Last thing she needed was to make a fool out of herself again in front of him.

"Hey wait," he called out after her, "what is your name?

What is your name? They had three classes together last semester and he didn't even know her name. But why would he know her name, she thought, she was a nobody and he was the most popular boy in the entire school.

Steven watched as Abby walked away without even a glance his way and he didn't know why but that bothered him. No one had ever ignored him before, especially not an ugly girl like her, he thought, and he threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it. He had felt bad for the girl and wanted to ask her if she had gotten in trouble in her lab class, but she wouldn't give him the time of day.

During the drive home, Steven tried to remember her name, but could not for the life of him remember it. He saw her in the hallway almost everyday but never paid any attention to her before today. She was short, her hair was always braided or pulled back in a pony tail and she wore thick red glasses. Her clothes looked as if she got them from the thrift shop and nothing she wore ever matched. She was the butt of everyone's jokes in school. He pitied her, but in less than a few minutes that it took for him to get home, he had already forgotten her existence.

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