Claire's doubts

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The dark stormy clouds clapped with thunder and lightening and the rain came down fast and hard. Abby jumped up into a sitting position, eyes open wide and her heart thumping wildly against her chest.

"Steven!" She cried out, frightened by the darkness in the room.

Steven stiffened, he was still sitting by the window staring out into the street. "I'm here." He called out coldly.

"I'm scared." She told him just as another clap of thunder roared from the heavens.

Steven did not respond, he wanted to go and take her in his arms, but he stopped himself from doing so.

"Please Steven, I'm really scared!"

A deep sigh escaped through his lips and Steven slowly lifted himself to his feet and walked over to the bed, "There is nothing to be afraid of, it's just a little thunder, a storm is passing through."

"Please can you hold me, I don't do well in storms."

Steven climbed on the bed and pulled Abby in his strong and possessive arms. She melted against him, and Steven tightened his hold on her. Closing his eyes, he savored the moment, having missed holding her so close. He wanted to kiss her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, but held himself back from doing so. She called out his name because of the storm and not because she loved him.

The storm continued for a couple of hours, Steven had pulled his body backwards and was leaning against the headboard. Abby had fallen asleep in his arms. Closing his eyes, Steven tightened his hold on Abby and kissed the top of her head when she cried out in her sleep.

He loved her so much that it hurt, but he was not going to be Abby's boyfriend when she was confused and didn't know whom she was in love with. All his dreams faded away, this vacation was an eye opener for him. Of all the girls he had dated he fell in love with this one, the one that couldn't love him back.

Abby stirred in his arms, and finally awoke, she pulled her head back and looked up at Steven. Immediately tears welled up in her eyes and his name escaped her lips.


In response, Steven looked down at her a weak smile creased his face.

Abby snuggled closer to him, "I missed you last night."

Laying his head  against the wall, Steven closed his eyes and said, "Me too." And it was the truth.

A few hours later when the rain stopped and the dark clouds rolled away, the sunshine was back and it was no longer dark. Both Steven and Abby had fallen asleep blissfully in each other's arms.

Abby was the first to awake and when she stirred in his arms, Steven opened his eyes and was the first to break the silence when he asked, "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded and snuggled closer to him, "I felt safe in your arms, thank you."

He gazed down at her with heavily hooded eyes and then both of them pulled their bodies downwards until they were laying comfortable on the bed. Steven held her gaze, he missed her very much and was drowning in misery since they started arguing, and unable to hold himself back any longer, Steven drew himself closer to her and kissed her. 

She kissed him back hungrily, and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you."

The kissed stopped and Steven pulled back his head several inches, he regarded her with a lazy grin, "Are you sure you love me?"

"I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life!" She answered.

"And what about Jeff?" He couldn't help but ask.

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