Rain Rain Go Away

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The rain pelted hard against the window, as a clap of thunder roared loudly and lighting flashed across the dark sky. Abby tossed and turned, she was restless and unable to sleep all night. Images of Steven filled her mind and she was angry at herself.

Steven is a conceited pig and she was appalled that he is the one her heart chose to fall in love with. She fought it with all her heart, but was unsuccessful, and she knew that she would suffer the consequences of loving a man she could never have.

The phone rang loud and clear a few times before Abby reached for it on the nightstand. "Hello?"

"You sound groggy,". Claire's voice was full of concern, "please do not tell me you're still in bed!"

"Why, what time is it?"

"Let's put this way, if you don't get your lazy ass out of bed right now you will be late again!"

Jumping out of bed, Abby threw her phone on the bed and got dressed quickly. She was so hyped up she didn't even notice that she wore the same outfit as the day before. In the bathroom she pulled her hair into a ponytail, washed her face, brushed her teeth quickly. She then sped to her room to collect her iPhone and backpack, slip into her gym shoes and race out the door, down the long staircase and reached to open the front door when she remembered Cucci.

Releasing a harsh sigh, Abby hurriedly went into the kitchen and filled up Cucci's bowls with food and water before she left for school. Cucci wagged his tail excitedly and watched Abby run out of the house before he stuck his nose in the bowl of food.

Running as fast as her feet could take her, Abby reached her school in no time,  climbed up the school stairs and opened the first door to the school. She was drenched from head to toe, and water puddles surrounded her.

"You're here!" His voice sounded relieved, "I was worried you would he late again." Jeff pulled her into his arms and he gave her a bear hug.

Pulling out of his possessive hold, Abby said, "I'm soaking wet, I don't want you to get wet too!"

"I don't care about getting wet!" Jeff told her, as he pulled her back into his embrace. "But you might want to go back home and change or you may catch your death cold!"

"There's no time to go home now to change, I can't afford to be late again!"

Jeff released her from his hold, "Come on then, we need to hurry." Grabbing her hand he pulled her towards class.

Abby was very aware of all the looks thrown her way by the other students, as she passed them by in the hallway, but she didn't mind anymore, she was used to it.

"The clown girl is drenched!" Someone laughed behind her.

Jeff's hold tightened, and Abby could tell that he was about to turn around and blast them all to hell, but she squeezed his hand and he understood that he should keep quiet.

Quickly taking her books that she needed out of the backpack, she threw the bag inside the locker and slammed the door shut, just as the first bell rang. "See you later." She told Jeff, before she ran to her class.

He stared after her, unable to get enough of the vision of her. He loved her and it killed him that she couldn't love him back. The first bell rang and pulled him out of his thoughts.


All eyes were on Abby when she walked into her room just as the second bell rang. She heard whispering and laughter as she walked to her table, and once again, she ignored them. Sitting herself down, Abby pulled her book open and waited for the teacher to speak, ignoring the fact that her clothes were wet and she was freezing.

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