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We just got over shooting our MV for our next comeback, its not official to the public yet but they will soon know it...or mini album's name is RETURN OF THE GIRL and its title track PIRATE, Woah! i am totally over whelmed by the response our fans gave us for FIRST..i am so thankful to our SHINE

I have been so busy lately that i hardly am able to give time to Chanyeol, thankfully he knows what is it to be an idol so he understands...we face time at night before we sleep but its normally like he sleeps and i watch him sleep..the fact that i am the one who is more tired but i make time for him,i guess its true that in a relationship one loves the other more and its never equal

I usually think how it would be to be given more importance..i mentally slap myself for expecting too much from him..mybe this is how it works,maybe this is the way how all relationship works.......JUST MAYBE

We are heading back to our dorm when our members decided to buy snacks, as i mentioned before we love late night snacks

We went out without any mask or snapback coz ik our fans our already crowding there..we go out only to find out our fans waiting for us, I smile looking at them and they screamed more, we went in and bought snacks...i was just picking my favourite snacks and putting it in my own basket,when i went to the cash counter i saw other members already paying i went and when it was my turn i realised that i forgot to get my wallet, I looked back and saw that onda unnie was about to go out before she could i went to her and did some ageyo to let her pay for me...she just chuckled and shook her and went to pay for me...and i heard our fans scream

We went out and our fans were shouting ''ONHI'' ''ONHI'' ofc..oh did i mention that people ship us so hard and we are the strongest ship in our group.....after seeing this out ''onhi''  shippers will surely go crazy lolzz

We went back to our dorm and as expect #ONHI was trending in number 5 worldwide, seeing this i just chuckled

I lay in my bed and dial his number only to find it busy

I sighed

I dial again to find it busy again

Then i dial baekhyun oppas number, he picked up in the second ring ''Hello oppa?''

''Hey L:E,whats up?''

''Oppa are you guys busy?''i ask

''Umm not really we have been in a break...why?''

''Huh? so is chanyeol there?''

''Yeah,he is talking to someone its been nearly 20min already..''

''Oh okay, what does he do nowadays?''

''He's been going out a lot lately and when we ask where he says that he has some personal business''

I stay quite...unable to speak..i try hard not to cry

''Hani? is there a problem?'' he asks concerned

I cant..and i broke down ''Oppa can we hang out?''i ask sobbing

''O-okay sure...should i bring other members too?''

''Y-yeah sounds g-good, but not him p-please''i said trying hard not to cry

''Okay,will do''

''Oh- oppa can i bring my members too? we can introduced them to each other''i ask

''Sound's good..okay see you'' he says

''Bye oppa, thankyou''

''Aigooo,anytime hani'' he says chuckling

ROSE(English version) by D.O[ is it only me who prefers the eng ver more than the korean ver?]


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