𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. chaos, sweet chaos

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CHAPTER EIGHT, chaos, sweet chaos

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chaos, sweet chaos.

━━━━ IT started to feel like a routine all over again. rue would usually pick her up, probably only to see her and see if she was alive, take her to school and then drop her off at fez or at lexi's while she went to do god knows what with her life.

but today, was a different day. Rue picked her up, but she never went to drop her off at anyones house. she walked aimlessly around for a few minutes thinking on what she could do.

she couldn't go to Lexi because she was busy with a play that she was doing, which averie helped her with a little and was excited to see how it played out. she couldn't go to Rue because she didn't know where the flying fuck she was. neither did she want to go back home.

so she made her way to the place where she has been spending her last few days with. while walking up yo fezco's house she felt someone following her, so turning her head a little to the side she noticed a grey truck following her slowly. cal jacobs.

she hurried up her steps, that man creeped her out. not just because of the things she has heard from Rue, but just in general. he was a creepy man.

once she was in the ally she quickly ran to fezco's door knocking on it repeatedly. "yo, what you doing here?" Fezco asked opening the door for her.

"you should really keep like a guard or something, outside." Averie said making the older guy frown his eyebrows before looking behind her shoulder noticing the grey truck.

"was he following you?" fezco asked averie who nodded her head before she was pulled inside of the house by fezco.

"Ave! Come here!" Faye called out towards averie who immediately went over to the women. she couldn't say that her and Faye weren't friends, it was complicated, Faye was only there whenever averie was there and they would only get high. they weren't friends but at the same they were.

fezco called out to ashtray who came out of his room talking with fezco before going back to his room grabbing a gun. "when do I get a gun?" Averie asked ashtray who simply glared at her, she raised her arms up in surrender shrugging her shoulders. "just saying."

a few minutes later, fezco was leaning against the couch, Cal Jacobs was sitting on a chair tied up while Ashtray had the gun placed on his head. "So first, you come to my fuckin' job askin' all these weird-ass questions like the feds. then I find you out in front of my house, following my little sister. what the fuck are you doin', man?"

Averie placed a hand over her heart, Faye placed the blunt in between her lips glancing up at fezco with sweet eyes. but he wasn't focus on her before noticing what she was doing, giving it back to Faye.

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