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3 years later

Roan leaned against his car, waiting for his boyfriend. Kai's flight landed a while ago, so he had to be getting out by now. The two had graduated from college a couple of weeks ago, and after they partied and celebrated in New York for a few days, Kai flew to Paris to visit his dad whereas Roan went back home.

Kai was coming back today, to stay with the MacElroys for a few days before the two boys left for New York once again. Roan had a job lined up for him already, and the app that he built had gone viral not long after their sophomore year in college began.

Roan took off his sunglasses as his eyes landed on Kai, the blonde grinned as he walked towards his boyfriend and closed the distance between them. The two hugged each other tightly, as if they were seeing each other after two years and not two weeks.

Roan pecked Kai's cheek, before connecting their lips and kissing the boy deeply. He had missed his boyfriend a lot, they weren't used to being without each other and every day apart just felt empty.

Roan helped Kai with his bags, and then they were off. The ride was an hour long, and it was mostly spent with Kai talking about France and what all he did with his family.

"Ines is getting married in like six weeks, I told my dad I'm not sure whether I'd be able to fly back to France or not though," Kai spoke about his cousin, "Will you come with me?"

"We'll have to work out the details, let's relax for a couple days and then think about it, yeah?" Roan suggested.

"Cool. Where are we— Oh, you're taking this route," Kai sighed as Roan entered the street where Kai used to live. Roan stopped the car in front of Kai's old house, and the brunette frowned in confusion, "What are we doing here?"

"Come." Roan said before getting out of the car, Kai was puzzled, but he followed.

Kai looked over his old house, it had been repainted, and he could very easily notice all the changes that had been made since he last saw it around three years ago. Roan watched his boyfriend's face, noting his expressions as a wave of nostalgia hit both of them.

"What are we doing here?" Kai asked, his voice low, as he turned to face his boyfriend.

"I— Ah fuck, I had a whole monologue prepared but now I don't know where to start from," Roan said with a chuckle as he slid his hand in his pocket, taking out a key, "I know how much you miss this place—"

"Roan, what the hell are you—" Kai was cut off by the blonde.

"Let me speak, please," Roan paused, and Kai nodded, "I know how much you have missed this house, and this town. And you know that I want nothing but to make you happy, so.. What do you say we move back home?"

"Okay," Kai furrowed his brows, "I have so many questions right now, Ro, what the hell? Did you.. Did you buy the house? How?"

"I haven't, not yet," Roan gave Kai a nervous smile, "I got an offer. A big company that wants to buy the app. And they're ready to offer tons of money for it. We can buy the house and still save up for our future."

"And what about our jobs in New York?" Kai asked.

"You hate the city, Kai, we can move back and find work here." Roan said.

"You've thought it all through?" Kai rose an eyebrow, and Roan nodded.

"Yeah," Roan said, "I obviously only just thought it through, I wanted us to make the final decisions together in the end."

"You bastard," Kai said with a chuckle, as he moved closer to Roan, placing his hands on Roan's cheeks, "You selfless fucking bastard."


"What makes you think this house is worth asking you to sell your dream project that you've spent the last four years building?" Kai asked, "You really think I would ever let you do that? Why? So that we could live in the past?"

"But.. But you.."

"I don't care about a house, Ro, and I don't care about any stupid city. I care about you and about being with you. You really think I would let you kill your dreams for me?" Kai questioned as he shook his head in disbelief, "I don't want you to always keep me first babe, as much as I love it, sometimes you've got to think about yourself too."

"But I am." Roan protested.

"No, you're not, you idiot," Kai pressed a kiss on Roan's forehead before continuing, "I'd be happy living in a cardboard box with you, sweetie."

"Are you.. Are you sure?" Roan asked, uncertain.

"Absolutely," Kai smiled as he took a step back, he slid his hand in the inner pocket of his jacket, keeping it there as he spoke, "I have something to ask you too. I wanted to wait but I can't think of a better time than this."

"Kai.." Roan's eyes widened slightly as Kai took out a small velvet box, he went down on one knee as he opened it, revealing a plain silver band.

"I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I swear I'll love you till my very last breath, you're the one for me, babe, you always have been," Kai paused for a moment, looking nervous as he continued, "Roan James MacElroy, will you marry me?"

"How— You.." Roan chuckled softly as he shook his head, before pulling out a box from his own pocket. He got down on his knee, so that he was level with Kai as he opened the box which had a similar silver band, except with a tiny diamond in the middle.

"Wow." Kai laughed, as he rested his forehead against Roan's.

"I'll marry you if you marry me." Roan whispered.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Kai grinned.

"I can't believe you beat me to it." Roan said as he took out the ring from the box, Kai did the same.

"Well, you do tend to let me come first." Kai smirked as Roan playfully narrowed his eyes at him.

"Shut up and give me your hand." Roan said, Kai chuckled as Roan slid the silver band into his ring finger. Kai gazed at it with awe before repeating the process with Roan, officially making them engaged.

"Holy shit," Kai exclaimed, "This is really happening, isn't it? We're getting married."

"Yep. You're my fiancé now." Roan smiled.

"And you're mine," Kai stated, "Wait, can I wear a white tux at the wedding?"

"I think we can save the planning for later, honey." Roan said with a laugh as he leaned forward to kiss his best friend. For now, and forever.


aaaand cut. tense is officially over now. it's so hard to say goodbye to my boys, but it's about time.

thank you to each and every one of you that has been reading, voting and commenting. It's truly what kept me motivated to keep writing.

I will be writing a few bonus chapters, if you have any suggestion/request then please comment here or drop me a message!

I might write a possible spin-off for Kingsley, I don't have a solid plot yet, but he was one of my favourite side characters and I really do want to explore his story more. if I do end up writing a book about him, I'll post an update on this book itself, so keep it in your library!

this was a beautiful journey, goodbye for now!

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