Eighteen: Fork

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"We're home," Dad called. It was 11:00pm and I was tired. Alas, I had to rip the bandage off.

So, I came downstairs. Mom was the first to see me. She pursed her lips, a head shake accompanying it. Then, Dad noticed and let out an audible, "You've got to be kidding me."

"I wanted to," I answered, even though they never really asked.

"Our Thanksgiving party is Thursday, and you do this now? How are we supposed to explain this to our friends?" Mom inquired.

"Easy; don't. I'm seventeen, I think I can decide for myself simple things, like what color my hair is. Plus, you said you didn't care, anyway. You said to interpret that however I thought it should be interpreted. I did."

While both of my parents gave me death stares, I feigned an innocent smile and went back up to my room. Let the scrape bleed if it means the bandaid is off.


Knox (3 days after Thanksgiving)

"Is it true that Randy is bisexual?" Dad asked as soon as I sat at the table.

I froze. Do I say the truth? "Yes, it is."

"Hm. Dating anyone?"

"Devin's brother." And your son, technically.

"Liam?" Mom questioned, handing me the salmon.

"Correct," I confirmed.

"And, what are your thoughts on this?" Dad inquired. He raised an eyebrow at me.

This might be a trap.

Fuck it. "I believe it's great. They work well together, and it takes a lot of courage to own up to being in the community, and Randy did. He's grown a lot since him and Li began dating."

"So, you've known they were together for how long?"

"Pretty much since the start. That would be around a month ago."

Mom glanced to me. "You're okay with two of your friends being gay?"

"Of course. It's not a choice, first of all, but being gay isn't a crime or something. It's just what you are," I replied, passing Adelaide the mashed potatoes. She was quiet ever since the topic of being gay came up. I had a feeling she knew about me, though didn't want to say anything.

My parents had some sort of conversation with only facial expressions. Addy and I kept watching them like it was a tennis match. Finally, Dad turned to me. "Have you ever been curious of your sexuality?"

Malfunctioning, hold blue button for five seconds. "Uhhhhh..."

Addy bit her lip while I tried to figure out an excuse. Mom gave me a look after about ten seconds of silence that said "Haha, we got you."

"I mean, can you elaborate a little?"

"Have you ever found a man attractive?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Where is this coming from?"

Another facial expressions conversation. Mom sighed and said, "We've been going through your phone about once a week while you're showering. A while ago, we found some texts between you, Randy, and Liam about going on a date."

My jaw dropped, along with Addy's. "You're going through my phone?" I shouted.

"Are you going through mine?" Addy asked. And because of course, Mom answered that they don't look at hers.

Dance With Me (Rich Kids, Book One)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz