Nineteen: Ice Cream and Anger Issues

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Li and Devin made me stay for breakfast. Seriously, they wouldn't let me go home until I was fed. So I had a blueberry muffin and my usual coffee, along with a few bites of Li's pancakes.

"Hey. Be safe, okay?" Li said to me when I was about to get in my car.

I nodded. "I promise I will be."

"See you soon," Dev interjected, patting me on my shoulder. "Let us know if you ever need anything, and I mean anything. Alright?"

"Okay. Thank you."

"Yeah. Have a good day, bro." Dev walked back in his house.

Meanwhile, Li sighed and asked, "So. That date is tomorrow...think you're ready?"

"Definitely," I replied, grabbing her hand.

"Formal dress, by the way."

"Oh yeah? Where are we going?"


I raised an eyebrow. "At Buckingham Palace?"

She laughed. "No. Most certainly not."

"Well, what exactly does formal mean? Throw on a button down and nice jeans and call it a day or a tux? They are very different options."

"A suit might be appropriate."

I stared in shock at her. "Where the actual fuck are we going that I need a damn suit?"

"Like I said, dinner."

"I'm not gonna get much out of you, are I?"

"Nope. Be careful at home, please, please, please," Li pleaded, pulling my arm to bring me closer to her and hugging me after. She placed a kiss on my head and also went back inside.


I snuck into my house, wishing no one would hear me. It seemed they didn't. Dad's office's door was closed, and so was the door to Mom's sewing room. Thank God, no human interaction for at least another hour.


Mom and Dad didn't talk to me for the rest of the day, along with a good percentage of the next. I didn't care that much. Adelaide ran downstairs and smiled at me when I got home, though, which made me a little more comfortable.

Me: hey uh since the date is in three hours how are the driving arrangements working?

Li: oh shit

Randy: forgot about that

Li: yeahhhhh

Me: wow, we're terrible at this already

Li: are you actually surprised?

Randy: uhhhh Li, why don't you drive? does Dev need your car tonight? because you're really the only one I completely trust driving lmfao

Li: nah, I'll make him not need it lol
Li: but seriously, he doesn't need it. I'll pick you two up around 4:30ish I suppose if we want to get there on time?

Randy: alright


Randy: a place that just so happens to serve food, which is extremely convenient since we were hoping to have dinner

Me: 😶

Li: he's not wrong, it is very convenient

Randy: exactly
Randy: hey should I wear my black or red suit? Thomas is telling me that I should wear neither if I really want to win y'all over (I told him to fuck off btw)

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