Chapter 31 | Romatic Life

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The same stinging pain which tells you go back to sleep, why are you even waking up? Hits my nerves and I feel the hands squirming at how painful and annoying it is.

I squeeze my eyes shut before gently trying my best to open them. I force myself to part them even though I don't know why I am being so eager to open my damn eyes.

Maybe because of the loud yells and speeches being yelled just few steps away from me.

"No Zoe! It was not like that, I opened the door with a loud kick, which startled that Max and he was so scared that I am sure he peed in his pants, when he saw my angry police manic face and CBI type of glare I was giving him, he was actually trembling" I hear Zach elaborating in his loud enthusiastic voice which has lots of proudness hidden.

And thats when it hits me what actually happened.

I killed a human.

I could have thrown the gun, but I held it tight and it pierced through his body, how can I even kill a innocent human who was just being emotional over his sister's death which he didn't want to accept.

I had a chance to delay and to not kill him till the police arrives, but I wanted to pull the trigger before he pulls it on me.

Why did I do that?

Will they put me in jail if I open my eyes? No No I don't want to go to jail, I just got married, I did not even look at my husband's shirtless body. I won't be going to jail.

There should be some excuse for newly married women.

What if there is no excuse? No no there should be some excuse or I am not opening my eyes.

"Ziah?" oh my goodness, no no no not this voice.

The gentle soft voice of my husband reaches my ears, and even with closed eyes I can feel the light but I do not open my eyes.

I want to stay with him, and if I open my eyes they will throw me in that ugly home call prison.

"Goodness Ziah" he mutters under his breathe as if he knew what I am doing, but soon two large hands cup my face "open your eyes baby" his warn breathe hits my face and the way he whispers only sends tingle down my stomach.

How does he always read my mind? Did Allah give him some extra superstitious power that he is hiding from me.

"Ziah, please sweetheart open your eyes" I mentally slap my forehead really hard, when I shake my head at him.

You should be acting dead for godsake!

A sigh leaves his lips before I feel the heat of his face disappearing as if he moved away and soon the hands that were cupping my cheeks leaves my face and I so want to scream at him to come back and hold me again.

Is he angry?

"Yeah! Thats how it happened! And Oh you should have seen the way I grabbed him by his tie and threw him on the ground—" I hear Zach speaking but some foreign voice interrupts "He was not wearing tie Zach" the voice comes out so annoyed and bored as if he is tired of this shit.

"In the trauma of Mateo being behind everything, And how he fooled you when you are an 'investigator' I am sure you did not see his outfit which I did, you know cause I was not in any trauma like someone else because no one betrayed me" Zach replies in tone that radiates only mocking but before the other person could snap back at him, Ziyan speaks.

"Can you all please go have this heated conversation outside?" Ziyan questions in such a firm bossy tone that it does not give 'No' a reason to walk in this chat.

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