Mera mann - 2

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"You like travelling ?" He asked out if the blue when they were discussing about their lifestyle.

"I do but never took the time out" she said savouring her dumplings.

The dinner almost drew to a close and he summoned for the waiter to bring the check. She drew her credit card and placed it ready on the table.

"No way Aadhya" he said seeing the credit card.

"Yes way" she protested.

"How about you take me out another day and do this. I promise to be the gentleman then" he said and winked at her.

"Are you pushing me to ask you out on a date ?" She asked biting her lip.

"I never said a date but if you want to take me out on a date then nothing more would make me happy" he pursued her.

"Stop playing with words" she said blushing.

"What I am serious ?I am not calling this a date because a date needs more planning. Especially if I am to date YOU" he said stressing on the you that rather escaped his mouth in a sexier way than he anticipated.

"Chalein (Let's go)?" She almost whispered the words.

"Date pe (on a date ?)" he asked as if he was waiting for this.

"For now let's leave from here" she clarified.

He chuckled at her nervous form and walked with her in the same manner he entered the restaurant. They boarded the car rather smiling.

"This one's for you" he placed a small rectangular bag on her lap and she gasped.

"Bvlgari" the name escaped her lips.

He gave her a warm smile and saw her staring at it a few seconds.

"How about you open it ?" He said.

"This is a lot Avinash." She said embarrassed. She simply couldn't understand why was he doing all this.

"I want to Aadhya. This is just a small gift. I felt like it" he reasoned with her.

"But a Bvlgari is a little too much" she complained.

"Shh" he placed his finger on her lips.

She couldn't open her eyes for a good few seconds. The warmth of his finger made her mouth go dry and her insides feel jelly like. Regaining her senses, she quickly opened her eye and saw him staring at her intently. So cliche it would sound but a series of horns made them to tear away from one another forcefully.

He cursed himself in his mind for getting carried away and she was no less. She felt so embarrassed for feeling so weak. Even before they could name their relationship, the sexual tension between them was palpable. Without waiting a second, he reversed the car and they were off to their next destination. It was nothing fancy. He just wanted to spend time with her and at a place no one would recognise them. Once again he stopped at a spot more familiar to him. The Beach.

She looked at him surprised. She never expected a guy like Avinash to select a spot like this. She felt relaxed knowing that there will be no uninvited interference. The salty air calmed her flustered nerves. This part of the beach was quiet. Except for a few people here and there, it wasn't annoyingly crowded. The sea breeze swept her face making her hair fly all over and the sound of waves crashing excited her. She loved watching the waves hit the land but was never fond of watching the same waves wash her legs. He took her to a spot were there was a tiny bench and the beach was visible from there. He sat down first and patted the seat next to him. She took the place next to him and looked at him.

"I repeat Aadhya, I want to date you. It wasn't something I said in the heat of the moment. I genuinely meant it" he said without any hesitation.

She felt the confidence in each and every word he spoke. A part of her was excited. He was easy going and wasn't intimidating her in a nice way of course. But something was holding her back. She did not mind when he said lets get to know one another but the term "Date" and the expectations it carried baffled her.

"What happened ?" he asked after noticing the worry that laced her face.

"It's just scary. I mean I had no issues when you said lets get to know one another. But like a date makes it scary. I don't know if I will be able to keep up to the expectations of a date" she said tensed.

That was the first time he saw so much hesitation in her since the time they talked. It wasn't the shy to talk feeling it was something else.

"Date is just a word. It's got nothing to do with anything else" he assured her.

"I can walk out of a date knowing you would have or I would have planned something, if I get a call from the hospital" she hated to express these kind of things but she was in a place to do so.

"Fair enough. Then let's just go about doing things like this ?" He spoke hoping it calmed her. He couldn't let go of her, simple,

She did not know what it was but the guy kept pulling her towards him with his words. She liked the idea of  spending time with him . She knew why this was happening but she did not want to make it special just yet. They had a while to go before they could say yes. She was aware that things could change rapidly because it involved matters of the heart, which has a way of its own to deal things. But consciously, she was going to take it slow.

She saw him looking towards the beach aimlessly. She needed to give an answer.

"Avinash" she called out to him.

He looked at her with his eyes full of life. She knew she was going to be safe with him. He wouldn't break her.

"Let's get to know one another more and let it take its own course of action, please" she requested him.

"Sounds about right" he said and stood up. He forwarded his hand towards her and urged her to place her in his. They started walking together along the beach forgetting all their worries and expectations.

"Do you come here often ?" She asked.

"It's like my place when I want to think or regroup myself. This not so crowded part of the beach makes it easier to be myself. Without having to worry about who would see you" he replied.

She looked at him surprised again. This guy was full of surprises. She expected him to go sit at a bar and drink to glory or go sit at his apartment. But this was different. He could be a snob only to people who weren't his. Her heart warmed up knowing she wasn't one among them. He was unique and now she really wanted to spend more time with him.

He did not realise, he brought her to his secluded spot. A place he kept to himself.

To be continued ~

There you go with the second part of Mera mann. I just wanted to write their experience out at the restaurant and beach as two separate parts. Hope you guys enjoyed it. So continued to like and comment. It would not take you long. As a newbie writer it helps you to perform better. Thanks you so much !

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