Saagar Kinaare

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Her phone continued to vibrate over the next 2 minutes in her pocket and she looked at her phone and found a set of instructions from the man himself. Everything including valet parking details were messaged to her.

"I am coming for a coffee and not to sign a deal" she quickly typed out and pressed the sent button.

Her phone vibrated again "I know" and there was nothing more. Something about him unsettled her. She was used to him flirting and being comfortable around her. This distant Avinash surely was intimidating. She slipped her phine back in to her pocket without messaging any further and headed towards the carpark.

As instructed, the valet was waiting for her to show up and all she had to do was get off the car after turning it off momentarily and passed on the keys to him. She took the elevator and reached the designated level and once again she was welcomed by a guy, who introduced himself as Kartik, his Personal Assistant.

She asked him to carry on with his work as soon as they reached his cabin entrance. She wanted to take over from here. It already was too formal from the time she entered his building premises and anything more would be too much. They had crossed those boundaries long back. She knocked on his door and opened the door after she heard his faint voice

"Hello" her soft voice greeted his ears as soon as she entered.

He looked up from his position and was surprised to see her entering on her own. He had never seen her in formals. Last time he saw her at her workplace, she was in her scrubs and now she looked entirely different. Her hair tied in a high pony tail and the first two buttons of her shirt were undone. He suddenly realised he has been looking at her without saying anything to her hello.

She stood rooted to the spot when she saw him looking at her with so much intent from top to bottom. She did feel conscious and at the same time she did not fail to notice the appreciation for her in his eyes.

"I thought Kartik was supposed to lead the way" he said closing his mac screen at once.

"I wanted to come in myself" she chimed and made her way further in to the cabin.

His desk was clean, not a sheet out of place and the way his stationary was arranged all screamed how meticulous he was. She was about to pull the chair to take her seat but he asked her to take the couch and she did as told.

"Give me 2 min" he requested and proceeded with a couple of quick calls over the intercom.

He made way to the couch and sat next to her feeling the warmth of her body radiating towards him.

"I thought I would have to request with a lady PA and get glared down by a couple of wanabee female employers but not bad" she teased him and patted his arm.

"Ahaan what a shame that I disappointed you Dr. Chopra" he remarked with a smirk on his face.

"Oh that you did disappoint me with all those instructions. I was wondering whether I was going to sign some deal with you" she replied back and stretched her legs

"Tired ?" He asked looking at her stretch.

"Had a surgery. Nothing significant" she said and removed her heels "hope you don't mind. My legs are killing me" she quickly asked him.

"Feel free" he said and his eyes traveled to her feet. The first time he got to see them without being covered with any kind of footwear. Her long toe fingers devoid of colour and obvious that her feet were moisturised. He felt like a pervert for gawking at her feet and looked up immediately and found her looking at her phone. That was a quick miss he thought.

"What happened Avinash" she asked slipping her phone back in to her bag.

"Nothing. All good" he said and smiled at her.

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