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After taking a refreshing shower, my senses snapped back into place. Why should I even bother going to battle for a guy who doesn't even care but managed to make it to third base with me? I'm Vi Taylor, damn it! I'd only go to battle for things like iced coffee and fresh donuts. That might sound shallow, but hey, at least I know my priorities. I cringed at myself, realizing how absurd it all sounded.

In a hurry, I rushed back home, but not without making a pit stop at Dunkin' to grab some fresh donuts and, of course, coffee. To be fair, I only went there to get James a coffee. He had been waiting for nearly 30 minutes, and while ordering his Americano, I couldn't resist ordering something for myself as well.

Pulling into our driveway, I immediately spotted James sitting comfortably on our Hollywood swing, which was standing on our porch. He broke into a wide smile as soon as he saw me, my gym bag slung over one shoulder, the donut bag in one hand, and the coffees in the other. To my surprise, he reached for something next to him and pulled out the exact same items: coffee for us and donuts for me.

"Boooooyyy, we are truly two of a kind. I love you!" I exclaimed, feigning a melodramatic tone.

"I almost finished my coffee already. It started turning cold. Glad you got some more," James replied with a grin.

Now standing in front of him, I couldn't help but notice how his smile broadened as he looked up at me. James was undeniably beautiful.

He had a flawless dark complexion that seemed to transform into liquid gold whenever the sunlight touched his skin. His dark eyes, long lashes, and strong jawline gave him the appearance of a perfectly crafted face. Sometimes his perfection even felt overwhelming. I couldn't quite explain it. Although he never divulged his skincare secrets to me.

"You're beautiful, James. Looking at you might blind me one day. You know, like when you're not supposed to look at angels because they'll burn your eyes out?" I remarked playfully.

"Since when are you into angels? And who told you they'll burn your eyes out?" James replied, curious.

"Books, James, books. You know, those little things filled with written pages. They're even available on your phone now, you know?"

"As always, you're not funny at all," he chuckled.

I joined him, sinking down next to him on the swing, completely engulfed by the cushions scattered all over it. He extended his legs, and we began swinging slightly.

"Are you feeling better, Vi?" James asked, his concern genuine. It wasn't just small talk.

"Well..." I started, recounting what happened at the gym and expressing my general awkwardness about the situation.

"But you don't even want him, right? Why bother about what that girl said? Based on your description, I think it's Brianna, by the way," James interjected.

I looked at him without saying anything at first.

"I might have a small crush," I admitted.

"What? On Reed?"

"No, your mom. She's a nice lady," I rolled my eyes.

James averted his eyes, his expression turning slightly gloomy.

"Why the look, James? It's not the first time I've had a crush on someone."

"It's Jacob Reed, Vi. Not some random guy you saw once and never again."

"Excuse me? Are you talking about Declan? You liked him too, as far as I know. That's at least what you told me."

"He was here on an exchange program. I always knew he'd be gone for good soon. And you weren't that serious, remember?" James replied.

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