27: An Ending to the Beginning

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David moved instantly. Lunging forward, he swept his arm upwards, continuing the momentum of the duke's arm and setting the pistol towards the skies. The man's grip was strong, but without a moment to adjust he could not find the trigger.

Nor a target as his arm flailed around in the air.

David's knee rose into his stomach, and Edward buckled forwards, his shoulder straining at the awkward movement. David's next move would have been to go for the pistol itself if he wasn't suddenly set on from behind.

Two of the duke's lackeys grabbed him, each taking a shoulder to haul him off their employer and toss him to the ground. His knee hit awkwardly, sending a shooting pain up his leg. Edward Thorne rose, straightening his vest with a fierce tug as his chest heaved in breaths. He stalked towards David, lying somewhat dazed on the earth, with fire in his eyes.

The others in the clearing were not merely watching this unfold. In the same moment David had moved against the duke, they had similarly struck out against their opposition.

Simon was currently exchanging punches with one of the Thorne henchmen and trying to avoid being pinned against a tree. Matt was struggling to reach him, ducking punches and dancing through trees at the edge of the clearing as the men chasing him growled their irritation. As one aimed his pistol, Matt caught a low branch and swung, kicking out and knocking the weapon flying.

By chance, it landed by Bart's face as he was tripped and sent tumbling to the ground. Ignoring the stinging pain that radiated up his other arm, he slapped a hand on top of the cool metal, rolling over and swinging the weapon with force. Unfortunately for the man on top of him who had been grinning with excitement at the prospect of pummelling Bart further, the barrel struck his teeth with a resounding crack. Bart was showered in blood and chunks of tooth, grimacing as he shoved the screaming man off him and scrambled to his feet. He spared the briefest of moments to run a hand through his hair, brushing pieces of he'd-rather-not-know free, before stepping back slightly.

He narrowly avoided getting trampled.

Vincent charged his horse across the clearing, not much caring for those in his path. Thankfully, they were mostly the enemy. His target was clear; Thomas was near the crossroads, having pulled his older brother from his horse. Though the gun had disappeared, it was clear Henry had gotten the upper hand, his fist repeatedly flying through the air and colliding with Thomas' face. As Vincent neared, his mount reared, forelegs dancing dangerously in the brothers' direction. The threat of being kicked was enough to send Henry scrambling backwards and allowed Thomas a moment to catch his breath and form a full thought.

That was when Bart looked away, surveying the scene for who else was in need of assistance. He spotted Edward's approach on David. The duke brushed some dirt off the pistol in his hand and then trained it on the man on the ground in front of him.

"I do love an easy solution to such a troublesome problem."

The clearing didn't hear that. But they all heard Bart.


The duke glanced to the side, a sneer instantly creasing his lip as he found the pistol Bart had collected drawn, cocked, and aimed at his face. The confidence in Bart's stance suggested he would make the shot, even from upwards of ten strides away.

And now the clearing was in a stalemate. Punches were frozen in mid-air, with all of the men's gazes focussed on the centre. Even Vincent's horse was still, as if sensing the impasse.

The last sound any of them expected to hear was laughter. Though the duke's gun remained trained on David, he joined the others in throwing a confused look behind him to where Thomas was leaning against Vincent's horse. The man was grinning, his head shaking slightly from side to side. The motion sent some of the blood that was dripping from his nose flying.

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