7: The Girl at the Ball

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The Humphrey family returned to their regular routines surprisingly well over the next several days. Vincent was preparing to return to university, and despite having no ongoing classes he spent most of his time in the library. Simon and Bart tended to their estates, managing their finances and visiting tenants, but always popping up at supper to speak with their siblings. Phil drove away the governess, and whilst Simon searched for another willing victim she was left to her own devices. To be fair to the girl, that meant she spent most of her time reading in the library with Vincent or pouring over the books with her eldest brothers, arguably a better education than anything a young governess could provide. And Matt... who knew how Matt spent his days.

Elizabeth also found a pattern. The mornings were spent on the essentials: managing the house and staff, visiting her aunts and cousins, and practising the piano. Phil's comments had niggled at her, and she was determined to prove that she could actually play the instrument reasonably well! No one came to complain, so she counted that as an accomplishment.

After her midday meal, however, she collected a book and went to sit at John's bedside. The cook usually sent up a bowl of soup at that time, giving her an excuse to lay a hand on the man's shoulder and gently shake him to consciousness. His eyes were perpetually clouded by the medicines the doctor had given him, but he recognised her and smiled.

"Ah, Lady Humphrey. You're returned."

Her answering smile appeared of its own volition. "I am, Mr ... lord? ... uh, John." She frowned. "Perhaps you should call me Beth..."

His hand drifted up to settle on hers, pinning it to his shoulder with a gentle squeeze. "Beth."

Her softly exhaled name sent a shiver down Beth's spine and she swallowed heavily.

"Excuse me Miss Elizabeth." When the maid spoke behind her, Beth almost jumped in fright, pulling her hand quickly out from under John's as she spun around. The young serving girl bobbed a curtsy at her. "I've brought lunch."

"Yes, thank you Hannah," Beth replied too loudly, taking a deep breath as she stepped further away from the bed. "Place it here, would you?"

The tray was set on John's lap, and they both thanked the maid as she left. As he ate, Beth took her seat in the corner and continued the nautical poetry.


The next day was much the same, though the bruising around John's face was ebbing. His lunch had beaten her to the room but before she woke him, Beth studied his features, and pretended she was trying to remember him. His eye was still framed in yellow and purple, but the swelling had all but disappeared. His jaw had lost some of the bruising as well, revealing a remarkably angular chin and lips that permanently held a gentle smile. She liked that: despite everything, he still smiled whilst he slept.

Matt had made a comment over dinner the night before about a missing ear, and curiosity got the better of her. She gently tucked his hair behind the ear closest to her, finding nothing but a whole, undamaged appendage. She glanced towards the other ear, but as her gaze trailed across his face, her eyes met his.

She let out a squeak and pulled away, blushing furiously with her back against the wall as he pulled himself into a seated position. He grimaced with pain and she couldn't help but step forward. Eventually his expression faded and he turned his smile back to her.


Somehow, Beth was still startled. "I was just checking your ear!" she said, a little more defensively than she would have liked. She looked at the floor. "Ma-matt mentioned an injury and I... I'm sorry."

"No need for apologies. It's this ear – I found it myself yesterday."

She looked up to find his neck twisted awkwardly, one hand holding his hair back to reveal half an ear. The entire top section was missing, the edge rugged as if torn, but entirely healed. After a moment, he relaxed back onto the bed.

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