Chapter 28 - Reality Check

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"Yeah," she nodded with her eyes filling with tears. "I mean it. I'm not going anywhere Axel. I'm here for you. Always." 

He reached out and pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his shoulder. Sitting there wrapped up in his strong arms felt so good and she really did mean what she said. She would be here for him. He had always had so many friends so it was surprising to her that he felt alone but maybe they weren't that close or he didn't feel like he could talk to them about things like this. 

She knew really well how lonely it felt to not have anyone. That's how she had felt before she found Stella and she wanted to be there for Axel, in whatever role he wanted her to be, whether that was as a girlfriend, wife, or just a friend. She wanted to be there for him and help him get through the pain of losing his Mom because she had gone through that herself and knew how hard it was going to be.

He held her in that hug for a minute before they finally separated and the doctor looked over at him and said, "Axel. It's your turn. Will you share the list of promises that you will make to her, things you will fully 100% commit to doing to keep her trust now that you have it again?"

Axel unfolded the paper and started to read out loud.

"Emma. I promise I'll always be open and honest with you from here on out and not keep secrets. I'll never worry more about what someone else thinks about me over what you think. I promise to be loyal to you and never betray your trust again. I'll do everything I can to make you happy and most importantly, I promise to never break your heart again. I'll do everything I can to keep all those promises if you'll trust me and give me a chance to show you I can."

Her mind was reeling. She wondered if he really meant everything he just said or if he was just saying it for the doctor's sake. She couldn't tell if he was still faking it but her gut was telling her he wasn't, that he meant every word of that.

She searched his eyes that were locked onto hers and she softly said, "Okay" with a smile. "I'll give you a second chance."

"Okay!" the doctor shouted happily. "That's a major step! I'm seeing you guys really learning how to open up and communicate with each other and share your feelings. I'm sad that this is our last session, but I hope the two of you will continue this progress when you get back home and keep working on your communication."

"We will," Axel nodded, saying it with such certainty that it made her feel like he meant it.

"Well my work here is done," she said, standing up and clapping her hands together.  They both stood up too and she gave them each a hug. "I wish you both all the best. I can tell you're going to have a very long and happy marriage," she said with a smile opening the door.

"Thank you," Emma and Axel both told her as they headed out the door.

They got out in the hall and her phone dinged right as soon as they started heading out.

"It's a text from Mr. Tipton. He's taking all the guys out for something special and his wife is taking all the women out. He said to meet in the lodge in front of the fireplace."

"Really?" Axel asked, looking as disappointed as she felt. She was really hoping to get some time with him tonight.

"Yeah," she sighed. "I guess we better go."

"Yeah. I guess," he said. "Wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

He looked at her like he wanted to say something else but then he let out an exhale, taking her hand in his and heading to the lobby where everyone was waiting and talking loudly and laughing. 

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