u win some u lose some

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While Mr.Jeon and tae smiled Mrs.jeon on the other hand didn't seem too fond of the newly found information. "That's great princess we accept it-". Tae was cut of by a heavy female voice.

"What the hell do u mean girlfriend? You're supposed to be the housewife to a man". She was fuming in her spot. "Honey what are u saying let y/n be herself and make her life what she wants". Her husband tried to calm her and make her understand.

"Shut up". She turned back to y/n and jisoo who had their heads hung low. "Break up with her right now, I'll arrange a meeting with a nice boy for u". Everyone looked up in shock.

"Mom what are u saying how can u do that to y/n"? Jungkook asked baffled "Jungkook don't but in". She was being persistent but Mr.Jeon was having it. "You're here giving orders to everyone but I won't listen".

"It's shameful how you're suddenly being like this to your granddaughter over such a little thing like her having a girlfriend. Go home and don't come back till u learn to accept your loved ones for who they are".

Mrs.jeon couldn't believe her husband was doing that to her. Without a word she packed her things and left back to the Jeons house as Mr.Jeon remained with everyone.

He went to y/n and jisoo made both of the stand and hugged them. "It's alright kids we accept u, I hope u both have a happy and healthy relationship hm". They hugged him back with a smile as jungkook and tae soon joined the hug.

But y/n still felt bad and jungkook was well aware of that. He made her face him. "Look bun, in life u win some and u lose some, not everyone can remain through everything, eventually she'll learn and come back".

"When that time comes u can act accordingly for now let's all just be happy hm". Y/N nodded and gave a genuine bunny smile which was copy and paste of her father's.

Tae then pitched in. "So, I have an idea". Everyone turned to him. "Jisoo do u live alone"? Jisoo nodded. "Alright well from now on you'll live here and u won't have to work just spend your time with y/n".

Jisoo and y/n smiled hearing that. "Thank u Mr.kim". Tae smiled "just call me dad". Jisoo was beyond happy she got a appa again.

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