His Majesty, Prince Gaston Legume

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-The Beast- 

The sight the beast came upon in the forest wasn't one that he expected. There were three wolfmen who had surrounded a human. 

The Beast dropped to the ground curiously, watching the wolfmen circle from afar. The human was big and weilding a massive sword, but it wouldn't be big enough for three opponents. 

The first wolfman lunged at the human, who defended himself well enough, slashing and jabbing. He kept himself safe, but he did not inflict any wounds. There was no chance this man would live. Survival of the fittest was the nature of the forest. Letting him die would be his perferred option, but he had a plan with Belle and he didn't want to let her down. The Beast entered the clearing and roared threateningly. 

The three wolfmen stopped their advancing attacks, and turned their backs to the human. The wolfmen stalled a moment, but they were already in the middle of a blood-lust. They weren't thinking with their heads anymore. The human stood forgotten as the wolfmen spread out and slowly crept towards the King.

Every step forward was in slowmotion until they decided they were in perfect position to strike. One went foe his throat and another for his leg. He beat away the one who came at his neck and while he kicked at the one at his feet, the third lunged into his chest and dug his hooked claws deep into his chest. 

He flinched back in pain and roared. The wolman was terrified as he grabbed his paw and ripped it out of his chest. The wolfmen were not fools. They knew how easy it was for him to kill, and so it shreiked in horror as he was thrown into a tree trunk and no longer moved. 

The last two seemed more hesitant, but with adrenaline coursing through him and bood now seeping through his open wound, he lunged at one of them and use his claws to cut into his throat. 

The second wolfman fell to the ground with a gurgling sound and the thirst turned tail and ran. He didn't care to pursue him, especially not while blood pursed down his chest.

It was the sort of wound that would force him to crawl back home to be stitched up by Vandy, but the beast didn't have time for that tonight. Not with their plan now in motion.

The human stood stupidly with his sword still erect. When the Beast approached him, the human's sword was now pointed at the Beast's chest.

The human was breathing heavily, a wild glint in his eyes, but oddly enough, the human's eyes lit with recognition and he lowered his sword slightly.

"It's you!" The human said triumphantly. 

The beast chose not to answer. He sized up the human, wondering if he was the best they had to offer. If this was going to be Belle's rescuer, he had to make sure that it was a man who was worthy of Belle.


After nearly a week of suffering through this hellish forest, he had finally done it. He'd found the King Beast. 

His whole body shook with exhaustion and triumph. The day had taken a wildly different turn than he had thought. He'd been done for. Fighting for his life every day until those monsters that hed been tracking him finally caught up, and right when he was just about forced to give up and die he was saved by the very being he came here to kill. 

His Brother's wife had told him exactly what to look for, but nothing could have prepared him for this. The King Beast, tall as a bear, covered in dark brown, near black fur, he had every type of predatory trait, horns, claws, fangs, and massive bat-like wings. The monster was glorious and would look quite the sight stuffed in his trophy room. 

"Who are you?" The beast asked and Gaston couldn't hold back a shudder

"This is surreal. Amazing. She said you could talk, but I didn't believe it till just now." Gaston marveled. He took a confident step forward, pressing the sword into the Beast King's open wound.

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