The Mob

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-The Beast-

The morning air was cool and crisp. It was the beginning to the season change and winter was begining to show its hand. It was finally here, the last day of the Blood Moon. After today, the wolfmen would be powerless and he would not have to worry for another year. 

Usually he wondered whether it was worth the trouble. This time around he had reason to fight. 

Belle had met him in the garden when he went to leave.

"You are awake."

"You are leaving." She said in an accusatory tone.

"For a short while. I will be back." He assured her. 

She walked towards him and he took her hand while it was outstretched towards him. He stared down at her small hand curled into his monstrous one. It was a reminder that she was a world away from him.

She reached up with her other hand and grabbed his shoulder. She pulled him closer towards her, but he flinched away from the familiarity of her touch. It was fear that had protected his heart so far, and fear was his automatic reaction.

"I do not want you to go." She said. She did not reach for him again, but her hands were wrapped in nervous knots in front of her. "but you do not have a choice, so I want you to remember one thing. I am waiting for you." 

She was scared. He could smell her fear and feel her nervousness. She was so very vulnerable to him. She had faced loss just as he had, and she still came out to face him head on. Maybe they could help eachother to get over their fears. 

"I will not leave you. I am coming back, I promise. When I do come back, I still have not forgotten what I said about doing all of this right." He said just so that he could see her smile. He reached down to her hand and engulfed them with his own beastly hands. 

He pulled closer to her than he had before all the while searching her demeanor for any sign of disgust. She just closed her eyes and leaned towards him softly until he had her in his arms. Fear was replaced in small ways by bridges of trust which made it all the more hard when he had to finally pull away from her. 

"If you do not come back I am going after you." She said in a lighthearted manner.

"If I find myself in a situation where I need to be rescued by you, we are both in grave peril." He responded.

With that he left her side now more motivated than ever to return to her.


They had left in the earliest hours of the morning. After all the dust had settled, Lord MonteVerde had managed to give him a hefty sum of 53 men total. Some were some of his personal guard, and some had been stirred to help by crazy Maurice's passionate pleas. 

Gaston had suggested that Maurice ride in the back incase of an attack from behind. It was a rather inspired idea that ensured that Maurice's quest to rescue his daughter didnt interfere with Gaston's agenda.

It was easy enough to find where Gaston had first faced the beast. His retreat earlier had left clear tracks to follow. Once he was in the clearing he was reunited with his forgotten sword at long last.

"The forest is still scarred from your great battle you highness!" LeFou said.

Gaston smiled and nodded as others looked on in awe of the trees that had been mangled from the beast's massive claws.

"Careful now men!" Gaston said in a serious tone. "This is his territory now. He is unbelievably fast and could be anywhere."

He remembered distinctly which direction the beast flew in from and he guided the party accordingly.

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