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"DID YOU EVEN hear what I said?! I don't want you to decide who I will live with for the rest of my life!"

Florence was in tears. She had just found out, that her future was already planned out. Her dear parents had set up a man for her.

That man was Arthur Shaw, a pretty old banker. Florence had many encounters with him before and oh how much she didn't like him. No not like, she absolutely despised him.

Despite him being as old as the hills, the man was generally speaking, an asshole. Last time Florence saw him, he had given her glances she will never forget.

"But he already paid us!" Her mother confessed.

A shock came over her.
This wasn't really happening, was it? The absolute betrayal she felt, a frown coming on her face.

"Don't be selfish, you stupid girl! We gave you so much and that's how you repay us?" Her angry father answered, losing his temper. Flo could've sworn she saw a vein pop on his hand, gripping his cane so hard out of anger.

She looked at her mother for help, but didn't see any sympathy in her eyes, only disappointment.
And so she ran to her room, tears prickling her eyes. Feeling nothing but anger and sadness.

Flo just couldn't comprehend that she will spend the rest of her life with him.
That old, short, smelly thing of a man.

She would rather die, than agree to this.


THIS WAS IT. Florence's wedding day.
The last week was a big blur. Everyday the girl hoped, that she will wake up from this nightmare. And everyday she realised, how real it actually was.

There she was, standing in front of her mirror. Eyes too dry to cry, looking at her white wedding dress. She had her shoulders bare, thin fabric of sleeves falling delicately on the floor. White sewed-in corset hugging her waist as a long white skirt flowed from beneath it.
It was beautiful, she couldn't lie. Probably the only pretty thing about that awful day.

Looking outside her window,

And then she just knew, that she could run away. Only she could control the path of her life and in that moment it was taking a turn.
Sneaking outside, Florence took her old, rusty and probably broke bike.

CRYING AGAIN, the girl was cycling and smiling. She felt an absolute relief. The wind from riding a bike flowing through her bright auburn hair and the white dresses getting more muddy by every turn of the pedal.

Florence imagined the looks on her parent's and Arthur's faces. She did not know what was to happen to her, but in that very moment, she didn't care.

The crying wheels of her bike took her to a big house..castle?

If only Florence knew then, how lucky she got.



Okay so I totally forgot this existed, but after Ebola Holmes 2 y'all found me. So please excuse this weird writing, it's old and this is an old draft.
Tell me if you want me to continue with his "book", I'll try lolol

Also drunk Sherlock is now my favourite Sherlock like damn dude

𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora