13 real life.

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Kimi leads the two of them into the house, Mika takes off her snowboarding shoes while sitting onto the floor. Kimi shakes his head as he watches her take of the shoes with a chuckle as she sticks her tongue out of her mouth and frowns her brows together.

Kimi takes of his shoes too, a lot easier and not by sitting on the floor. He takes of his coat, putting his snowboarding shoes by the shoe rack. He watches as she gets up as if she won a wrestling match, smiling silly at Kimi and puts her shoes and coat away too.

"I'm taking a shower." Mika tells Kimi.

"Bwoah, me too." Kimi says.

Kimi lets her walk up the stairs in front of him. She goes to the guest bedroom with a private bathroom and kimi goes to his own bedroom with a big en-suite.

Mika grabs some of her clothes, her make up bag and heads to the shower. She doesn't want to take too long as she knows that Kimi is a lot quicker and she wants to watch him cook. She loves to watch men cook as it looks hot to her.

She jumps into the shower, quickly washing her hair and shaving her legs a bit as she had neglected it for a couple of days now. She smiles as she rinses the shampoo from her hair and her mind thinks back at the day she has had.

They had gone snowboarding for an entire day and had lunch by a little restaurant where Kimi ate some schnitzels and she had something called kaiserschmarrn. She had loved it and Kimi promised to make her some of his own recipe sometime.

She quickly dries herself off and puts on her clothes. She loves to wear some cosy and lazy clothes like sweatpants and sweaters. It's her life and she loves how soft it is.

She quickly grabs some of her make up wipes and some wipes before she cleans her face from remaining make up and smears her face in with some kind of night lotion and puts it back in her make up bag

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She quickly grabs some of her make up wipes and some wipes before she cleans her face from remaining make up and smears her face in with some kind of night lotion and puts it back in her make up bag.

She grabs a pair of thick wool socks and heads down thw stairs to see that the lights in the kitchen are already turned on and the noise tells her that Kimi is already cooking.

She is about to head to the kitchen when she hears the door bell ring, she questions who could be at Kimi's house so late but she is quick to head to the front door.

"I will open it!" She yells at Kimi.

She unlocks the front door and opens the door, a man looking in his mid thirties with some blonde curls smiles at her before he gets this mischievous glint in his eyes. She remembers him being in the club a couple of weeks hack in Austin.

But she also remembers that he was something like a racing driver like Kimi. She opens the door more for him and smiles at him. She doesn't know who he is to Kimi but she knows that they work together.

Seb can't believe that the girl he saw in the club and that Kimi was giving the heart eyes is in his friend's house. She has a gentle smile on her face and she has this look in her eyes that says that she recognises him.

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