23 real life/Insta.

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MMika holds Kimi's hand while smiling up at him, she's excited to see the other drivers again. It had been a couple of weeks since she had seen them. She had missed seeing the drivers a lot. Mostly Kimi.

"I should not have given you that cinnamon roll." Kimi mumbles to himself.

Mika giggles and gives him a cheeky smile. A skip in her step as she tries to find her new friend she had made. She wants to see the younger drivers again. They can relate at some level with her hyperactive.

"Be both know it was the first thing we saw, because of me running late." Mika justifies the breakfast they had.

"I know, but i was the one that slept through the alarm." Kimi says to her.

But Mika chuckles and squeezes his hand.

"But if anyone asks, it was me, okay?" Mika says to Kimi to not get him in trouble.

"Bwoah...they can't do anything to me." Kimi says to Mika as they walk passed the Mercedes garage.

Mika and Kimi can hear the shouting of Lando and Max in the distance. It makes Mika really excited to see them. She really likes these guys, they're fun and she can be as hyper as she wants to be. With Kimi she can do so too but it makes him tired. He loves her but her hyper activeness is a little too much for him at times. He's forty-one. You can't blame him.

As the two get to the barrier, Kimi climbs over it first, to stop Mika from jumping over it and getting herself hurt. Which she is really good at if he isn't keeping his eye on her. She grab's his hand and climbs over it too.

A couple of metres away the younger drivers are playing football with each other. While the three oldest are supervising them. Lando and Max are running after the ball with Charles close by and Carlos in the goal with Mick in the other.

Lance, Esteban, George and Alex are there too but too busy chatting than really playing football. But it looks like they hadn't really started yet and the others are just warming up and waiting for Mika.

Mika grab's Kimi's arm to take off her sneakers and socks. Dropping them on the grass and rolls up her jeans, not wanting to get her new white sneakers that she got last week from Kimi under the grass stains.

"Guys!" Mika shouts before she gives Kimi a kiss on the cheek and runs off.

The younger drivers turn around to her, just in time for her to tackle Charles and Max in one go to the ground. Kimi chuckles when the two groan and fall to the ground with her on top of them.

They get up and all hug her, happy to see the energetic girl again. Who you can get crazy enough to do anything with them. They let her go and she points to her feet.

"Shoes off!" Mika says while wiggling her toes.

The others take off their shoes and start with splitting in teams and start playing a fun game of football with each other.

The four older guys look at how they play the game, talking to each other and keeping an eye on the kids who could easily hurt themselves. Here and there some one scores. Mostly max and Charles. Who are on opposite teams.

"George!!!" Alex shouts as the Williams driver tackles Alex to the ground for the ball.

"What? I did nothing!" George says cheekily as he helps up the Thai.

Mika laughs and casts a smile and a wave at Kimi. Before she turns hack around and runs after Charles, who is on the opposite team to her. She laughs as she slides on the ground and kicks the ball away for Carlos to take and kick it to Max who scores in the goal.

Kimi Raikkonen: insta.Where stories live. Discover now