Chapter Sixteen

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"Leo..." Milan felt like his heart would beat right out of his chest. If Leo was to move just a little bit closer, then he'd be able to feel Milan's hardened member. The thought sent a chill down his spine.

"Yeah?" Leo asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Leo trailed the finger that was holding Milan's chin across his jaw, before resting his hand on the boy's cheek. His thumb stroked Milan's cheekbone softly as they looked at each other. It was clear what they both wanted, but both of them had their separate reasons to not make the first move.

One of the stalls in the restroom opened, and stepped out a junior neither of them knew. Milan and Leo froze where they stood, looking at the boy who paused as he noticed what was happening. The boy blinked at the scene, before shrugging.

"Don't mind me," the boy muttered before walking to the sink and casually taking his time to wash his hands. He looked in the mirror, styling his hair after drying his hands.

Leo and Milan, both kept staring at him wordlessly. Too stunned to say anything. Finally, Leo cleared his throat, and the boy sighed before walking towards the restroom door.

"Use protection!" The boy exclaimed before marching out.

Leo turned his head to face Milan again. Both of them stared at each other with a puzzled look on their faces, before breaking out in a grin. Milan couldn't help but laugh as Leo took a couple of steps back.

"I think we should, uh..."

"Go somewhere else and talk." Leo finished the sentence, and Milan nodded.

Leo walked in front of Milan, and opened the door for him. Milan glanced at him before exiting, and Leo closed the door behind him. They walked side by side as Leo led them to a place where he knew for certain that they wouldn't be disturbed.

It was the east stairwell which no one ever really used, and Leo had hung out there quite often when he used to skip classes. Leo sat down on one of the steps, and patted to the place next to him. Milan looked nervous, but he eventually took the spot.

Their knees touched, and Milan immediately shifted a little, creating some distance between the two. It didn't go unnoticed by Leo, who sighed at his reaction.

"Okay, so—"

"Wait," Milan cut him off, "can I speak first?"

"Sure," Leo said.

"I don't know if you know but, uh, I don't do very well under the influence of alcohol."

"I could see that," Leo smirked.

"Yeah, like, I don't want to blame what happened on alcohol, except the part where I threw up, Sorry for that, by the way, and thanks for being there and not getting grossed out, too," Milan said.

"No worries. Continue."

"Yeah, uh, I'm sorry for coming on to you too. It was really fucking weird of me to do that. You're probably not even into guys and you've been so nice to me all this time, and I threw myself at you—" Milan ranted.

"Milan, breath..."

"—and I totally understand if you're mad at me and don't want to continue the tutor sessions anymore. I guess you'll still have to be in the Mathletes and I can't quit either so maybe I can team up with Jai instead. That'll be hard because he never leaves Delilah's side. But maybe if I promise to do his homework then—"


"—and you can ask Rylie from history to tutor you instead. She's got the best grade apart from me and she's super nice too. I'll ask Quinn to back off too, I know they'll try to talk to you but you don't have to bother with us anymore. I'll just stay clear of you and—"

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