Chapter Thirty

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"Pay up, mister," Maya said as she raised her palm. Kai rolled his eyes but paid the rent regardless, leaving him almost broke.

"I seriously don't understand how you always lose at monopoly," Roan stated as he rolled the dice.

"You're the numbers guy, I'm the history teacher," Kai said, "why don't we play scrabble and I show you who's boss, huh?"

"Remember spelling bee 2007?" Roan smirked.

"We do not talk about spelling bee 2007," Kai glared at his husband.

"What happened in spelling bee 2007?" Leo asked.

"Kai lost in the final round," Roan answered.

"At which word?" Leo questioned.

"Bankruptcy," Kai muttered.

"I'm sure you know how to spell it now, because pay up," Roan said, making Kai groan as he realised he landed on Roan's property. He paid whatever money he had left, leaving him bankrupt.

"I hate this game," Kai grumbled.

"Don't say that, you'll piss off the monopoly Gods," Roan said as he placed a kiss on Kai's temple, before standing up, "alright, who wants ice cream?"

"Choco-chip!" Maya yelled as she jumped up.

"Choco-chip for Kai too, and strawberry for Leo," Roan remembered everyone's favorite flavors, "what about you Milan? We have oreo and mint too."

"Choco-chip sounds good," Milan answered politely.

Milan was going through a culture shock. Firstly during dinner, the way he saw the family interact with each other and with him was so different from what he was used to. There were no awkward questions, no painful silences or rude statements. There was nothing that made him tense.

On top of that, seeing how loving the two husbands were towards their kids and each other, was a massive change from how his parents acted. He had maybe seen his parents kiss twice in front of him, they never really showed much affection. But anyone with eyes could see how much love there was between his history teacher and his husband. Milan could only wish that he and his future husband would also be this much in love.

"We're gonna go to my room for a bit," Leo said as everyone was done with their ice cream.

Roan just nodded, and Kai didn't say anything. They didn't want to embarass either of the boys. But Maya, of course, had other plans.

"Can I join?" Maya asked.

"No," Leo answered.


"Because, uh, Milan and I have to talk about something important," Leo said.

"Lying is bad, just say you want to kiss," Maya replied.

"Maya!" Roan and Leo exclaimed simultaneously.

"What? I'm the only one not afraid of speaking the truth!" Maya said dramatically, making Milan laugh.

Leo sighed before grabbing Milan's hand and pulling him towards the stairs. The two boys rushed upstairs, and Leo made sure to lock his door. He didn't trust Maya not to barge in.

Leo didn't waste a single second in connecting their lips. He grabbed Milan's sides as he pressed him against the wall. Milan immediately reacted, their tongues battling as he slipped his hand inside Leo's shirt, rubbing his hands all over the other's abdomen.

"Everyone's downstairs," Milan gasped when Leo started kissing down his neck, as he simultaneously unbuttoned his shirt.

"They know we're not doing homework in here," Leo whispered as he ran his tongue down Milan's chest, making him shiver as he licked around his nipple.

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