The explorer

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Purpose was a funny thing really.

The Denali worked, the Cullens went to school, and the Hales followed just suit, yet he somehow was expected to plant his ass in their mansion there all day like a guard dog.

"Look, you can't keep me here." He'd protested.

"Of course we can, we don't know what you are but we know goofer dust hurts them, you." so they lined the doors and windows with them like anthills.

They gave several more reasons, a bunch of blah-blahs that passed through his right ear and went out his left and listening to them talk, Sieg went into a scandalized daze.

He stared at their head honcho as he spoke, Sieg did. Calm but defiantly confused; unable to understand just why Carlisle was speaking to him like he wouldn't inhale a whole bag of that infernal dust just to spite him. Sieg's fingers twitched in his bid to resist this deadly temptation and he very nearly did too—soon as they left in fact.

But he didn't and not because of self-respect either, he'd pawned that a long time ago—no, Sieg was hurt. That last bit of bachata with the hounds hadn't gone as cute as he'd hoped and that bleeding gash on his rib refused to let him forget it.

Aye, Sieg lifted his flannel and his eyes briefly closed in disgust; The wound was still open and the red meat under resembled a slab of ground beef gone worst than bad—it was slimy green, leaking green, and smelling green.

"I fucking hate dogs." He muttered, fighting not to vomit. He lifted his shirt again and went in for a closer look. The light here in this room he'd been given was pure white, a harsh white that cast an unforgiving clarity upon his open cut.

In this light he saw the small river that those animals had sliced into him, he also saw how screwed he was. For though the tear seemed relatively dry now, it had no crust—that light layer of what-the-fuck that usually covered a wound two, three days after its infliction? That layer usually indicated healing, see? and Aye, he didn't have it. The little malediction was refusing to heal. "Flea-covered, soul-sucking, Brain-crunching bags of—"

"Are you busy?"

Sieg almost hatched an egg when she appeared behind him, but he soon calmed and that was for the best because the more his heart cooled, the quicker his snark returned.

"Left you here to babysit me then, did they?" He said, discreetly beginning to button-down his shirt.

"I came home early, so get over yourself."

"Then who am I suppose to ride?"

They laughed at this; all easy and casual at first—like two people all too used to one another, then their eyes met, the world slowed and the laugh lost its spark. Instead, they were left to stand there all awkward 'til she made up a weird excuse and left. Vacuuming the grass and all that.

Now this went on for days, 'til the next month had arrived and Sieg hadn't seen outside—so one day while they were all out doing whatever-the-hell...he jumped out the window.

His bedroom window, and Aye the wall of Goofer dust stung like a mosquito on crack, but he wasn't some low-level r—no, he wasn't just anybody so he bit through it like a champ.
And it wasn't like he wasn't going to come back either, he'd made her a promise and he'd always kept his to That damn wound—it had become like a rotten tooth and in that token had started causing him pain.

And if it was one thing that pissed him off, it was pain—Sieg hated being in pain so ENOUGH.

He got about two, three miles from the house before he saw what he was looking for; a shallow riverbed surrounded by woodland. There was a lizard walking nearby, A deer about two miles north, and two rabbits humping like humans but all that interested him was the pool.

He went to it and as he went, he stripped. Not fully, you dirty—He yanked it all off but his undy. He lifted his arms to the sky and all the muscles under his wound pulled up too, moving over, away, under one another like tectonic plates; a groan escaped his plum red lips at that and he went straight in.

He had to sit to be submerged and even then, the water only came up to his pecs—that was fine.

It was clear, that was even better. He sat there all peaceful awhile, then he popped an eye open a crack and saw the trails of blood escaping into the stream round him—he remembered why he'd come then and so he started looking.

The veins in his arms flexed as his expert fingers moved 'round the bed, it must've been full of them because Sieg found one immediately. He rose it to his eyes for a looksie and to the light he held a glassy stone with a hole...a naturally occurring hole.

It was a hag stone, this thing and a damn precious thing it was. Sieg smiled at that, then he shoved it into his wound.

He wedged it in deep and only when he could feel his skin pulsing around it did he start. He bowed his head for his pain and his eyes changed. The whites went pitch black and the orb that was his iris and sclera both colored into pulsing red dots like gunfire in slow-motion. Or was a laser point a better description? Oh aye they pulsed and around him, smoke rose from the water.

"Sana me," Sieg prayed and the water shook. "Sana me maledictionem istam"

He took his hand from covering the gash and revealed his skin all busy closing over the bits of red. Soon as it's healed, his eyes returned, and the water cooled to an agreeable temperature.

She was sitting on the front steps when he returned and she gasped watching him come; Sieg was dripping wet and shaking from cold—of course, it didn't help that he didn't have his clothes on either. The crazy sod made his way up the driveway all clad in his shiny boxer briefs.

"Calvin Klein." He said to her, yanking back the waistband and allowing it to slam against his skin. "I've seen a future where wearing it gets you laid."

"Not in this era, bucko." And she helped him inside, she eased his shaking form onto the couch and was just turning when she slipped on his wet jeans and fell bent over his legs like a schoolgirl.

Fuck luck.

The front doors twitched open and in came nearly half the family. Alice crimsoned like a rose.

"This is not what it looks like!"

But he only laughed, Sieg.

"And here I was missing the explorer."

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