No me Queda mas

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They say it was a gas leak.

A nuclear accident dubbed The almost Chernobyl.

Casualties? 15. 13 so badly burned, they couldn't be identified. Aye, and the fire that caused it? A phenomenon. One for the books really—front page in fact!

Firefighters were still trying to put it out two weeks after the fact since it had spread past to the forest—water made it even angrier. Earth seemed to do the trick though so instead of water, the firefighters started throwing dirt like dogs burying bones.

Alice Mary Cullen was named as the only survivor and as such had been airlifted to a hospital in Wyoming. They say she was hysterical when found, screaming about some Sig and reapers and Wests and Souths and shit.

Poor kid. They said. Must've been through quite an ordeal. And using that to justify wanting her to shut the hell up, they started pumping her full of sleepy whatever-the-fuck.

Didn't work though, she just keep on thugging. They pumped her full of so many drugs, every specialist doctor, nurse, and anesthesiologist working on her should've gone to jail. But she just wouldn't calm down. So much so, they started looking at Asylums with love; they even put her in a vest to practice—oh that did not make her happy. She started raging like an unruly white kid having a tantrum in a grocery store, like a Vietnam war vet having her worst episode yet, it was astonishing.

Then her family returned and for a while all was well. Only all of them in a room looked like a soccer team planning their next move and that unnerved the staff as well as the other patients so they moved them to a private room.
       Alice calmed down though, she could no longer cry and that left her to stare out the window all blank with nothing in her head. She had no want, no need, or desire but to touch that locket of hers and good thing, he'd been following along until now, because that damn thing would've made it absolutely impossible to find her.

Aye, Evic Westen walked into the emergency room of Wyoming dressed too cute to boot—barefoot. He walked straight on ahead with purpose and no one stopped him, no one even saw him, and that wasn't so weird...he wasn't human after all.

He found her room no problem and soon as he entered, life filled her eyes like color to an emblem. She jumped outta bed so fast, she yanked the IV straight out of her arm and fuck those beeping machines too.

"Viv! Viv—You're alive!" She took him into her arms and squeezed. She sighed when she smelled the sweet Aroma that his candy eating habits entailed. "Oh I thought you were gone! I thought I'd gone crazy. But he's alright, isn't he? Oh that rascal—where is he? In hiding? Boy, I tell you when I find him—I'll kill him. That trick he pulled just-"

"The prince is dead, Licé. Dead."

Registering this, she pushed away from him as if he'd just stabbed her.

"Take that back." She shook her head, repeating it over and over again, and pulling at her hair 'til Vivic was afraid the the tuffs would really come off. "Please...please, take it back. Tell me it's not true, Viv. Tell me he's just hiding."

But Vivic couldn't. Explaining it to her only worsened her condition, she cried so much Vivic almost stopped but he persevered and not for any joy in her anguish either, it was because She needed to know. Yes, needed... for one had to know, if they were to forget—truly ever forget.

Sieg was her soulmate; her one ever true match—If she didn't know the how, whys, wheres, a part of her soul would force her mind dominate on his absence 'til she remembered it all over again. She'd keep seeking until she did and he didn't need her to keep seeking, This was the end of the line.

So once he'd reached the end, once he'd told her about Niles—he snapped his fingers and every Cullen dropped to the ground. "Vampires no sleep, my ass."

Well, it wasn't was him as a Westen, forcing their brains to pause a second and a second was all vivic needed.
They needed to forget. Forget it all from beginning to to end. He went around the room and touched a finger to them all.

With all that the girl had gone through, Vivic couldn't imagine a worst thing than forgetting again...but he told himself that he needed to do this.

"That or Lord death will fry the entire planet extra crispy." Vivic muttered this shuffling over Jasper's fallen body and nearly wet himself—the kid's eyes were wide open. So he put a toe to them and slid them shut. "Straight freaky, this kid."

And then there was one; Alice Westen. Vivic's outstretched hand shook mid-air going to her, hell, he even lingered a while thinking about it.

Yes. Because of Sieg's last stand, one prophecy was definitely not going to come true, and if one didn't, the other one would have to. The balance really did depend on it. So he erased it all. Did it so thoroughly, it returned her body to before the whole Cerberus ordeal in Wyoming—even her marriage seal faded. It was over. Nothing to remain but the locket.

"It's your world now kid, you do what Sieg fought for you to do; live your life, and when the time comes? Save that little girl. You save her and make it her world too, you hear? Ah. Goodbye Licé."

Goodbye. What a word.

When Vivic walked out of that hospital, the world wouldn't remember that whole nuclear-fire bullshit. The Cullens would return to a home burned down by overzealous satanists. They'd go on to move to Washington, Forks in the coming years and there it would all begin again.

Alice would go to Jasper for the warmth that she was unknowingly missing and though she would indeed go on to love him in a way, she would never marry him, never go anywhere without that locket. She'd never know why either, just a feeling. Just a feeling that there could've been more. That she could've been happier...that she once was. But there was nothing left for her in those weird feelings. Nothing left for anyone.

Aye, because when the world all together breathed its next? no one but the DEAD would remember Siegen Westen.

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