Chapter 25.

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"Oh back hurts," Zhan said as he collapsed on the bed after clearing Yibo's room.

Yibo looked at him apologetically and laid down beside him, "You came to my house for the first time and I made you clean my room...sorry."

Zhan smiled, "It's fine."

Zhan's phone suddenly rang, and it was his mother who was calling him asking him where he was and when he will come and Zhan told her that he was with Yibo and he will be back soon.

His mother sighed and was relieved.

After the call was disconnected, Zhan looked at Yibo who was frowning and Zhan asked, "Hey...why that long face?"

Yibo sighed as he got up and sat and Zhan sat beside him and held his hand, "What's wrong?"

Yibo looked at him, "I ruined my image in front of your family, what they must be thinking about me? And I also revealed about my profession they must be angry at you as well and how I behaved with my parents in front of them..." Yibo's face became paler and paler as he thought about everything and held his head in his hands.

"Oh god now what should I do!" Yibo spoke as he was close to ripping his hair.

"Relax." Zhan said, as he gave him water, "My parents and family will understand."

Yibo looked at him, "How are you so sure that they will?"

Zhan shrugged, "Because I related to them by blood and lived with them my entire life I understand them."

Yibo sighed feeling a little calm about but still, his heart was beating at a fast pace.

"But what if they don't accept me?"

Zhan smiled, as he thought, Yibo still hasn't said 'I Love you' back to him and he hasn't asked him to be his boyfriend and here he is worried as if they were getting married.

And Zhan couldn't help but find this cute.

Zhan smiled as he gently kissed his forehead and Yibo felt like this was the most natural thing ever so he said nothing and closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the warm touch, before Zhan spoke, "Would you like to go on date with me?"

Yibo's heart skipped a beat and his lips without his permission curled up into a smile, "Sure."

Zhan smiled as well feeling like he was on cloud nine, "So it's final we will go on a date tomorrow be ready at eleven okay?"


After Zhan left the house Yibo was so happy that forgot about all his worries and jumped with joy "Wohooo."

"Well someone is happy." he looked back and saw A-Xiang smiling at him and went to her and hugged her tightly before she asked, "So are you dating?"

Yibo shook his head, "Well he said that he loved me."

A-Xaing smiled, "uh-huh."

"And he said that he wants to go on a date with me!"

"Oh my god that's so great." she squealed, "Let's go and decided what you are going to wear tomorrow you have to look dashing, so handsome that he faints after seeing you."

"If he faints then who will I go on a date with me?" Yibo said and both the twins smiled.

Meanwhile, when Zhan reached home he was faced by his family who had many questions he smiled and sat down and told them everything from the start to the events of last night.

His parents were in deep thoughts as Zhan spoke, "Mom, dad he is not a bad guy, he is just traumatized...please don't be angry with him."

William and May looked at each other before May spoke, "I know how Anna badmouths her children, and there were many times I told her many times that it was wrong but for her, it was her way of pushing her children harder.

Alas, look where this habit of her has landed her, and what happened with his grandfather was truly tragic it was truly Anna and Fay's fault."

William nodded, "It takes years to come out of a trauma, and with everything that he been through he was still able to maintain a smile on his face, how can we be angry and not accept such a perfect person!"

"Yeah, we would be a fool." May spoke, "Bring him to dinner."

Zhan smiled before he hugged his parents, "I love you mom, dad."

His parents smiled before they said, "We love you too."

When he came out he met his siblings who just gave him a smile and thumbs up, "Go get him,"

Author's note: my god I am crying this family is so perfect!

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