࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-34 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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All the family of royals started to move inside with thier own thoughts , sakunee was the one most happy one with this situation and he was smirking because already pandavas started to have enimity with karna now someone who is closely related to karna have life time vengeance with bhisma

pandavas and kauravas were shocked because they have heard about the abduction of amba by thier pithama

All the royal family members of hastinapur slowly started to walk inside the palace with thier own thoughts in the head at the same time admiring the palace and constructions

The scent of lilacs and daisies caressed them as they stepped inside the palace. The palace looking extremely beautiful
Pure white marble which gleamed like the feathers of a swan when rays of sunshine touched them.

Elaborate designs were carved on the ceilings in a way which allowed the gentle warmth of the sun inside.

Intricate paintings decorated the walls and windows, which at night provided a breathtaking view to the gardens and people's homes outside, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns.

From the stairs which had grape vines wrapped around the edges climbing upwards to the pillars supporting the grand spectacle of a palace, Just like the king himself, everything reflected a divine aura.

Not only did the palace all the hastinapur family see how the people were happy and freely talking with soldiers, enjoying their daily works with such an enjoyment from that they can understand how people of this country love thier king it was clearly evident

bhisma was the only one who was not admiring anything because his entire thoughts was on amba , he never knew that she would be alive and she looks same when he abducted her not aged a little bit and she is here with his eldest grandson , but some part of his heart was happy because though he did it because of the vow , he knew because of hastinapur pride a women life got destroyed but now atleast one from kuruvansh is taking care of her that was relief to him

but all thier thoughts were disturbed suddenly when they heard a loud thud sound came " devavrata "

all noticed a old man was standing with a axe in his hands with a rage in his eyes , bhisma and drona trembled seeing thier gurudev

Parshuram : bhishma i wish you were more like karna

other royal family don't know who is the old bhramin but their heart was filled with fear hearing the voice but as usual bheem has his own pride he can't hear some old sage started to praise his enemy

Bheem : who are you old man ? how dare you call my pithama with his name

bhisma and drona eyes literally popped out seeing bheem raising voice against thier gurudev

suddenly karna run into the scene hearing his father shouting because he knew if his anger reaches peak there is no one in the world who can control him and he have already guessed what might be the reason for his anger

Karna : please stop . no they are guest here

Nakul : magadharaj dont try to save the old bhramin

Arjun : yes how dare this old man call our pithama by name

But more than bhagwan parashuram calling their pithama's name they can't hear the way parshuram started to compare their pithama with karna

karna looked at his father face who is getting more anger and then at hastinapur royals shooked his head , he understood that pandavas were showing the same pride here not knowing who he is

karna : rajkumars there is no need for me to protect him infact no one can protect you and your brothers if he gets anger

arjun : maharaj do you think this old man will kill us

karna : this old man is the one who destroyed entire kshatriya males from Earth 21 times and guru of great warrior like your pithama and your gurudev

as soon as they heard the introduction nakul moved back little bit in fear because they all know how bhagwan parashuram has destroyed entire kshatriya along with thier armies single handley ,while bheem and arjun trembled slightly with the fear of facing avatar of Vishnu

Parashuram : don't adress them as my students karna , i am ashamed to have them as my students

bhisma : gurudev please don't say that

dronacharya : yes gurudev please don't

Parashuram : both of you have lost the rights to call me gurudev i had three excellent students in my life but two used my knowledge for abducting womens and wanted to make his student great for that you asked the thumb of an innocent boy , atleast my son didn't failed me as you two did

bhisma put his head down while dronacharya has the arrogant in his head

dronacharya : what about your son gurudev didn't he captured magadha so that he can luxurious and powerful, he captured magadha as he had a selfish motive

parshuram anger reaches another level while all others were simply the spectators not wanting to get into the bad books of parashuram including pandavas

Parashuram : if my son captured magadha for his own motive and selfish there would have been no hastinapur today , he would have taken revenge on hastinapur on behalf of amba, he could have made his entire army stand in the border of hastinapur but he didn't , don't compare yourself with my son

dronacharya : do you think your son can beat your best student bhisma who is protecting hastinapur and destroy hastinapur just because magadha has more powerful army than hastinapur

parashuram: who said bhisma is my best student , my son is my best student , there is no warrior who can compete with my son's valour is present in this world neither any kshatriya nor any bhraman , he equals me in a battle and he yields the most powerful bow in the entire universe vijaya

dronacharya can't believe that his gurudev gave him vijaya he was slightly jelous he knew the power of vijaya he always wanted it from his gurudev

Parshuram : don't you see that your favorite student got defeated against my son

dronacharya gritted his teeth but he couldn't leave this talk so he countered
" gurudev he don't have the experience which your son has "

parashuram : what about you drona you have lot of experience than my son na go on and prove that my son isn't a great warrior

dronacharya : okay gurudev i will fight with him if he lost against me he has to give his vijaya to me

parashuram : what if you lost will you give your celestial sword of lord brahmadev to my son

Dronacharya doesn't know what to reply because he can't lose one of his powerful weapon his thoughts were what if karna used vijaya against him

Parashuram: don't worry drona my son won't use his vijaya against you don't have to fear

dronacharya: i will gurudev if he defeated me i will gave him my sword but think before challenging against me because he have to lose his celestial bow

Parashuram : he believes that his teachings are more divine and powerful than his weapons so no need for that


How is my 34th chapter ??

So there is going to be fight between dronacharya and karna ??

who is going to win ?? will karna lose his vijaya or dronacharya will lose his sword

what will be the recation of everyone especially bhisma , pandavas and kauravas.

do you all want the duel should happen infront of people of magadha or should it be between royals

Target :- 120 votes and 75 comments

( special thanks to Ronika_writes_stuff and  _RUDRA_ who always gave superb suggestion to my book )

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