࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-35 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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All others were in complete shock doesn't know what to think kauravas though didn't like their guru so much they respected him on the other side all the pandavas wanted the defeat of karna while bhisma knew that his gurudev won't praise anyone who isn't worthy so he knows that defeating karna will not be that easy for dronacharya while krishna rukmini subbadhra dussala were completely silent as the great sages were speaking .

Dronacharya thinking it to be an easy battle that his gurudev gave his son vijaya out of affection instead of ability with a smirk on his face dronacharya started to speak looking at karna

" What magadharaj? Why are you not speaking anything ? Are you ready for the fight between us or will you give me the vijaya now? "

Karna, although didn't want to fight the guest on such an occasion, realized there was no going back now and was angry at how much his fathers student had such arrogance .

Karna : no dronacharya i will never back from a challenge or battle , don't worry i will give my vijaya to you if i got defeated

Dronacharya smirked at Karna .

Dronacharya : Who is going to judge the competition, gurudev?

Bhagwan Parshuram laughed so heavily hearing that which made everyone standing there speechless .

Parashuram : Judge won't be not needed Drona , as the result will be out and open for everyone to see.When the battle is over if you want even you can judge it but still since it is the rule of any battle I allow you full freedom to choose your own judges .

Dronacharya was fuming with anger while Ashwathama, his son, couldn't believe that he had betted his celestial weapon just for his pride. He knew that his father wanted a celestial bow but what can he do about it other than shaking his head .

Dronacharya looking at bhagwan parashuram : magadharaj can you arrange the arena so that your people can be witness to our duel? I want everyone to witness the valor of bhardwaj son .

Parshuram : You are so eager to get your image spoiled . I thought at least you have some brain but now I don't think so .

Dronacharya was frustrated at the comment of his gurudev. He wanted to prove his gurudev how wrong he is and looked at his favorite student and his son had a thought of making them a judge as they would announce him as the winner .

Dronacharya : my student arjun and my son ashwathama can be the judge of the competition

Shakuni : how can be that possible dronacharya , sakunee who was listening everything carefully since he came to magadha he wanted to make good impression on karna because he wanted him on duryodhan side now taking his side and supporting him would be a great chance to get in the good books of karna .

Dronacharya : What is your problem, gandhar raj .

Shakuni : judges have to be judge the competition but looks like you have selected the judges who can declare you as the winner before competition starts , everyone knows that panduputra arjun is your favorite student and your son , both of them would clearly favor don't you think it is unfair to magadharaj .

Dronacharya was angry at Shakuni but Shakuni didn't care about his threatening stare , his only aim was to make karna support Duryodhan .

Parashuram : don't get angry , you can keep any judge as per your wish my son and I don't care about who is being the judge .

Krishna : If no one has a problem with me being the judge, I can be judge along with Arjun and dron putr

Sakunee : yes magadharaj , it won't be a no problem . Vasudev can be a judge along with two of them .

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