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Draco scurried away as soon as he heard my sister's voice. I could only halfway watch which way he left before Hermione appeared behind me, and I had to come up with an excuse as to why I was in the library after hours. Wait, why was SHE here after hours?

"What are you doing in here Elle?" She asked with most concern in her voice. 

Come on, think of something. Anything at all. I talked myself up. There was a pain in my throat knowing that I was about to have to lie to her. 

"Well, long story. But Iris and I were in here looking for a book. But I don't think we are going to find it." I look around. "And I'm not even sure where she went anyways." 

Hermione seemed skeptical. She kept an eye on me as she processed the lie I had just given her. The door to the library opened again, except this time, I was facing the door and saw Draco's white hair slip out, not so quietly as I had hoped. Hermione had turned around when she heard the door creak. Merlin I hope she didn't see Draco of all people leaving this building because then she'd know.

"What are you doing in the library?" I rebutted. 

"Uh I was also looking for a book but for Harry and Ron." She stammered. I was now a bit skeptical of her excuse. "You know they wouldn't have the patience to come looking through these shelves themselves." She kept on. After I didn't respond, unconvinced with the information she was giving me, she continued: "I thought I heard a man's voice from down the hall, coming from this direction." Uh oh, she's onto me.

I shook my head and began trotting towards the door. "It's getting late and I'm not sure where Iris went. I'll catch up with you later Hermione." I found the quickest way out of there and travelled back to my dorm. Maybe she believed me.


Next thing I know it, its the weekend again. Another long week of classes is over, but thankfully I now get to do whatever I want for the next few days. Maybe I'll practice Quidditch with some of my other housemates. Maybe I'll get some early studying done for some of my finals in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll talk to Draco. 

I gallop to breakfast, wearing my dark green plaid skirt and black button-up. Skirts weren't normally my thing but hey, you've gotta dress to impress, right? 

At the Slytherin table, Draco had already arrived, with Pansy sitting at his hip. Of course the spot that Iris picked only had one empty seat around, and if I wanted to sit next to her, I'd have to sit at Draco's other hip. Hooray. 

I plopped down into the empty slot and hunched over my empty plate, waiting to be served. "Why is a mudblood sitting next to you, Dray?" I heard Pansy's whiny little voice on the other side of him.

I glance over to see the whole crew snickering at me. Draco made eye contact with me and laughed in my face. I looked right back at him, and looked at Pansy. "Why is a slut sitting next to you, Malfoy?" Dead silence.  

Draco's eyes shifted from content to angry. "Did you know that you only got into Hogwarts because of your sister, you filthy little mudblood?" He smirked. Oh that cold smirk heated me. "That mudblood sister of yours is who you should thank for even stepping foot in here, and then being sorted into the wrong house of all things!" That make him cackle, but the overuse of that term, especially towards my sister, is what made my blood boil. 

I stood up promptly and huffed. "When you can come up with a better insult for me, Malfoy, let me know." I couldn't let him know it bothered me that much, but if he were to look into my eyes he could probably tell that I was hurt. I grabbed my wand from the table and left. If I had eyes in the back of my head, I would've seen Draco's gaze on me as I walked away. Instead, I could just feel it. 

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