The Truth

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It's the middle of the night. Draco and I laid in his bed, slowly dozing off after the exhausting night we just had. His fingers traced a pattern on my hip as I lay in front of him. His touch gave me a tingly feeling that I still couldn't describe. I feel a smile creep onto my face even though I was half asleep. Having his chest pressed up against my back as we breathed in sync gave me the most calming feeling.

"Are you ready for round two?" He leans forward to whisper in my ear.

"Bloody hell, are you crazy?" I laugh. We both knew the other person was exhausted by now.

He chuckled and placed a soft kiss on my bare shoulder. His arm made its way around me, pulling me closer to him. I caressed his hand while he gently nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck as we fell asleep together.


"Shit, Eleanor wake up." I heard a voice from behind me. I open my eyes to see the light shining through the window. My eyes widen as I realize I was still in Draco's room, and we were about to be late for class.

I fling the sheets off of me as I scramble to find my clothes, realizing that I would have to wear the same thing I wore yesterday because I wouldn't have time to go change. One by one I slipped each article onto my body, watching Draco do the same. We finish dressing at the same time. He goes to the mirror to run his hands through his silver mane, perfecting it almost immediately, and turns to me. "Here, let me help you."

I knew my curls were in a wild mess from sleeping on them. He reached towards my head and combed my hair with his fingers, straightening out my part. "Better. You look somewhat put together now." He grins and gives me a peck on the forehead. In unison, we head for the door and make our way straight towards the common room. I had realized that if anyone was out here, and they saw us walk out together, there would be questions.

Stepping into the common room, there were herds of people walking through to make it to their first class of the day - Iris being one of them. She looked over at me, saw Draco behind me, and said nothing. She just gave me a soft smile, and continued on. That's very odd of her to not have something to say to me. Though, she's been doing that a bit recently.

I look to my left to find Pansy making eye contact with me, and then at the boy behind me. A flame lit in her eyes. I turn to look at Draco, who had stopped right behind me to scan the room. There was worry plastered on his face when the whole common room noticed him with me.

Pansy chuckled. "What blood traitor did you just get done fucking, mudblood?"

"Excuse me?" I rebut.

"Draco, what room did you see her come out of?" She tilted her nose up to speak directly to him.

I turn to him and he fixes his eyes on me. This was the moment of truth.

"Why would I pay attention to who she's staying with?" He says coldly, then pushes passed me to greet his mob.

I stood still, just astounded that Draco still had a cold heart. You'd think there'd come a time where he stood up for me in front of his lame ass friends. But that seemed it would never happen.

A singular tear slid down my face. Without wiping it away, I force my way passed them and headed straight to my dorm. I know he saw my expression as I left. I hoped he could see the hurt in my eyes. I hoped he felt like the dick that he is, though he probably didn't.

Once in my room I locked the door and turned to press my back to it. My hands relaxed at my sides, so much that I dropped my wand at my foot as more tears began to form in my eyes. I began to break down. Why would he keep doing this to me? Did I mean absolutely nothing to him? He must be the best liar in the whole fucking world.

My knees buckle and allow my back slide down the length of the door until my butt touched the floor. I bury my head in my knees as I sob silently. I didn't know that I cared this much about what Draco thought about me. He had been tormenting me for years. He always told me I didn't belong here. He called me so many vile names that secretly made my heart shatter. He tortured everyone else around him into fearing him, so why did I care so much? Why did this heartache feel so different than before?

I crawl my way to my bed, dragging my wand with me, and tucked myself in under the covers. Tears soak my pillow as I lay with my thoughts. I've never felt this miserable, I think to myself.


"Eleanor! I know you're in there! Elle, come on out!" There was a banging on my door, and a voice from behind it.

"Go away!" I yell through my pillow.

"You miss two classes and now you're not going to open the door for your sister?? Come on, Elle." I could sense Hermione's frustration, but I didn't really care all that much. I wanted to be by myself. "I came all the way down to the Slytherin dungeons for you, and I'm not leaving until I get to speak with you."

"Ugh, fine." I point my wand in her direction. "Alohomora." She bursts through the door.

"Tell me what's the matter with you!"

"Lower your voice please, my head is pounding." I cover my ears with my tear-drenched pillow, knowing that the crying had caused my headache.

"Why are you missing classes?" I don't respond, just shrug. She sits down on the edge of my bed and calms her tone. "I heard there was a quarrel this morning with Malfoy's clique. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just sick of it."

"Tell me what you're sick of."

"All they do is make fun of me for no damn reason. I've tried everything to get them to stop. I've hit my breaking point." I turn in the bed to face away from her in case I began crying again.

I hear her sigh. And then inward sigh. "Eleanor.."

"What?" I say rather distantly.

She leans in a bit, I assume to give me a comforting feeling. "I told you not to hang around Malfoy."

I slowly pivot my head to look at her. "What? This is my fault?"

"Him along with the people he hangs out with are bad. He will never change.." She drifts off for a moment, and then comes right back to me. "I saw you two together at the Yule Ball."

"I knew you would."

She sighs again. "I will say, I was rather angry when I first saw you two dancing together. The way he was staring at you could have fooled anyone, including me. Including you."

"What are you trying to say Hermione?" I sit myself up a bit so we can speak face to face.

"Whatever trance he's got you in, or whenever you think he's being nice to you, I'm telling you he is an awful person. I don't want you seeing him anymore."

"Are you my mother now? You're forbidding me to speak to Draco Malfoy now?"

She shook her head. "I know you two have been doing more than speaking. You feel something for him."

I was unresponsive. Merlin, she was smart.

"So you're forbidding me to see Draco now. How in the bloody hell do you think you can do that?" I start. "You don't know him behind closed doors like I do. The things he's said to me. There's good somewhere in there, I just have to find it."

"I can assure you, whatever good you think there is in his pitiful heart, it is not genuine. A boy like that won't change." She stands up. "You need to think long and hard about this, because I'm right."

"You're always right aren't you?" I scoff.

She ignored my remark. "In the meantime, I'll begin working on him to make sure he stops interfering with your life." She backs away to leave.

"But you've already begun doing just that, haven't you?"

She turns back to face me. "Excuse me?"

I sit straight up in bed, looking directly into her brown eyes. "You were trying to poison Draco when you poisoned me, weren't you?"

Her eyes glistened with tears as she stood in front of me, knowing that I had found out what she did.

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