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Yn's pov~
He said to me that he will go to his friend's house and here he is here clubbing with this girl.

How dare he lie to me?
I hate him. He said that he's not interested in girls. Flirting with a girl in club.
End pov~

Hyunjin- "Who's that girl? And what he is doing here after lying to his wife? How dare he lie to you?"

Hyunjin was angered. He was about to go to him but Yn stopped him.

Yn- " Wait!! Don't go to him! Let him enjoy!"

"Aren't you jealous and angry?"

"I'm not jealous! I'm just angry because he lied to me. He could have just told me the truth! He's also a betrayer!"

The last sentence of her hits Hyunjin. He remembered past.

Hyunjin- " But Yn you can't let him enjoy with another girl!"

"Why can't I?
"You are his wife!"
"I don't care! I just hate him!"

Hyunjin looked at her. Yn was looking Jungkook.

Jungkook was sitting beside Yuri. Yuri came near him, offering him a glass of wine. He refused at first. But after she request and forced him finally take it. They both were drinking wine.

Yn was continuously looking at them.
Hyunjin was worried for her. He again asked her if he could go and stop him. But Yn stopped him.

Yn looked at Yuri. She was wearing a red party dress. Yn continued sipping her wine. Then she stopped when she saw Yuri squeezing Jungkook's cheeks. Yn looked at Jungkook. He was smiling. Yn felt a lil jealous of Yuri. But that little jealousy was so dangerous. Yn closed her fist tightly and again sips her wine. Hyunjin looked at Yn.

Hyunjin " Jealousy!"

Yn looked at him and rolled her eyes. And than back at them. They both were talking about something. They both laughed. The music was so loud that they were not audible. They suddenly Jungkook looked in Yn's direction. Before he could look at her. Yn looked turned her back on the side and her short hairs hid her face.

Jungkook's pov~
I'm here in a club with Yuri. And then I saw a girl who was looking in another direction and her face was covered with Short Hair. Her hair looked like Yn's hair. The boy sitting next to her was also looking away I couldn't see his face.

Then Yuri called me.

End pov~

Yuri-"Hey! Stop looking at that couple!"

"How can you say that they are a couple?"

"Don't you think so too? They look cute together!"

" Not every cute looking duo are couple!"

"Yes they are...... Like us!..!"

*She hugged his arms. Jungkook looked at her surprised! Yn looked at her hugging him. She raised her eyebrows. Jungkook immediately removed her hand!*

"Shut up!What are you talking about?"

"Come on... I know You love me too!"

"How love came in friendship?"

"I don't know! I just love you!"

( reminder- Jungkook and Yuri are not audible to Yn and Hyunjin)

She kissed his cheeks. He was so surprised. He froze at his position.
Yn widened her eyes,

Hyunjin- " Ynnnnnnnn!. She. Just...."
He stood up and was about to go but
Yn interrupted him- "Hyunjin! No!"

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