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I'm standing in the door looking at the Tiny closed behind her as she was leaving to go back to the Marine I don't know what the fuck that call was about, I'm telling the brothers that Tiny is off doing something for a friend and Wolf keep his mouth shut and I see that Viking is moving more around and he seem to be worried and I have seen him a few times outside the hospital, We don't know what's going on with him and Wolf is growling each week he can't go shooting and Bear is piss off at something too. We are doing our Business as we have been doing and it's rolling as it should, and the garage is running but not like it would when Tiny was here and I'm lying in the sofa in-front of the TV, and I'm half sleeping when I hear something outside and I shake my head and I sit up and I hear step and I grab the Remote and mute the TV and I hear the door open and I get up and I don't like it because my Brothers are all calling out as soon as they are open the door and then I hear the Stamping of feet, and That's something Tiny would do.

"TINY" I call out as I start walking to the Hallway and I hear the knocking on the wall, that Tiny do.

"Let me take that and I will get some food heat up for you" I tell her and she let me take green bag and I see her Carry the Black box and I see her push it under the bed and I walk with her to the Kitchen as I'm pulling out one of the left-over meal that Tiny have made for me and Put it in the Microwave and I see her take a seat and she is drinking her lemonade.

"I will tell Wolf that you are up for the Range tomorrow he has been missing you" I tell her and she nod as she start to eat the food that I put in-front of her.

"What's up Tools" I hear Wolf say as he answer the phone and I can tell that he really miss his Little buddy.

"Tiny is back, she just came thru the door and she is up of the Range tomorrow" I tell him and I hear him laugh.

"Tell my Little battle Buddy I will be there the same time we use to go" Wolf say and then he hang up and I tell Tiny what Wolf say and she nod.

I see a new shine in Tiny's eyes as she finish eating and I see her clean up after her and I see her do her sign for going to bed and I see leave and I hope that she will be okay, I sure have tried to keep this place clean but it's not like Tiny would, the Garage we trying together and I have made sure that Tiny, will straight us out and Bear have got the Check for Tiny's work, and I hope that she will keep working for us. I see her get into her room and she just let her body fall to the bed and I know she is asleep. I get to bed too and I really hope that Wolf will not take his anger out on her, because she have been gone for almost a months, and he have missed his buddy. I wake up to the smell of breakfast and Coffee and I hear the laughing of Wolf and I walk there to see Tiny place a cup of Coffee as Wolf read a note.

"You really send them this stuff?" Wolf ask and she nod to him.

"You know that they are going to get you back for this" Wolf say and she just smirk at him.

"What's so funny?" I ask and I see Wolf just put the note away so I can't read it.

"Just something that Tiny told me" Wolf say and she smile as I sit down and She and Wolf are leaving in her Truck and I know that They will be gone.

I drive to the Garage and when I get there I start to laugh and I see Kicker looking around and he frowning.

"Tiny came home last night" I tell him and he start to smiling.

"Good, Did you give her the Pay-check?" Kicker ask and I'm looking at him and I shake my head.

"No I called Wolf because we all know that he hate not having his Battle buddy, so He taking her out today and I'm surprised that she had time to clean like this" I tell him and he nod and I see Viking come in and I see him looking at us.

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