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idk but i might start this back up again who knows🤷‍♀️

a few months have gone by and i decide i can't do this anymore, i love Jaden but i can't do it. one minute he's in love with me the next he's talking to other girls and flirting with girls.

loving this boy is beautiful and amazing, it's exiting and fun. he's my soulmate, the love of my life but loving this boy is so draining.

i'm laying in my bed at the walton's house crying because once again Jadens gone off to hangout with his 'girl bestfriend' we all know she's obsessed with him and i don't know how he doesn't see it.

my phone dings and it's a message from Jayla 'hey girl you okay?' 'lol not really' i reply 'i'm coming in babe'

a few minutes later my door opens and Jayla walks in, she sits down on the end of my bed and looks down at me lying down. my eyes are puffy and red and she can definitely tell i've been crying.

Jayla: yn i'm so sorry this is happening

Yn: it's fine it just really sucks, i love him so much but i have to end it

Jayla: i know it's hard Yn but maybe it's just for the best

Yn: it's so fucking hard jay, i thought he was the love of my life, he told me it was forever.

Jayla: have you talked?

Yn: barely all week

Jayla: please talk to him

Yn: i'm so over his shit, he goes off with that dumb bitch Alanah for weeks then randomly comes back and acts like nothing ever happened?

Jayla: i know i'm so angry at him i don't know why he's doing this, i've tried to tell him he's being an idiot but he won't listen

Yn: i'm texting him

Jayla: want me to go?

Yn: no stay

My love🫶🏼

Yn: j where are you

Jaden: why

Yn: because we haven't talked
in a whole week and i'm sick
of this shit

Jaden: Yn i'm allowed to have friends

You: where did i say you weren't?
your supposed to be my bf and
we haven't talked or hung out in
a week jaden

Jaden: your too fucking needy

You: nah im fucking done Jaden
im not gonna let myself get
treated like shit while i sit
in my bed and cry because
i fucking love you

Jaden: we'll talk later

You: we won't talk later i'm
telling you i'm done with you
we're done.

Jaden: ffs i'm coming home now

i leave him on read, why is he being like this what is wrong with him.

Jayla: you alright

Yn: well i guess that's it

Jayla: oh honey

Yn: i should move back home

Jayla: no Yn you can stay here no matter what, you'll always be our family

Yn: it's just weird now

Jaden: i'm home mom!

Yn: fuck

Jayla: talk to him

Yn: i can't

Jayla: please

Yn: only if he comes to me, i'm not gonna be the only one to try in this relationship

Jayla: fair enough, im gonna go to my room come if you wanna talk

Yn: alright bye

Jayla leaves and closes the door, i shrink down into the blankets and lie on my side and scroll through tiktok and cry.

i while goes by and there's a knock on my door, i tell them to come in and the door opens. of course, fucking Jaden.

Jaden: hey

Yn: don't really wanna talk to you right now

Jaden: please

Yn: jaden this is what i'm talking about, you leave and don't even talk to me for a week then come in acting like nothing

Jaden: i'm sorry

Yn: mhm that's what you say everytime

Jaden: Yn i know you don't mean any of this, your just angry

Yn: yeah i'm fucking angry

Jaden: i'm sorry Yn i love you

Yn: i don't really believe that tbh

Jaden: what?

Yn: Jaden if you loved me you'd want to talk to me and want to spend time with me, you don't even try. the only time we say a word to eachother anymore is when i start the conversation and i have to sit in my room and think about you hanging out with another girl 24/7 im sick of it

Jaden: why are you blaming this on me Yn your the one who cheated on me, i gave up

Yn: cheated on you?!

Jaden: don't act dumb

Yn: i'm sorry but i have no idea what your on about

Jaden: i see you with Javon i know somethings going on with you two

Yn: Jaden what the fuck are you talking about, Javon is like my brother of course we're close but the only reason we're hanging out more lately is because your never around

Jaden: so you just decided to replace me?

Yn: your acting like an idiot rn

Jaden: no Yn i just want to know why you think it's cool to get all touchy with my brother just because i have friends that i want to spend time with

Yn: touchy?

Jaden: i saw your little moment in the background of Jaylas live the other day it's all over tiktok

Yn: you know what people are like Jaden they take shit out of context

Jaden: so why tf were you cuddling him

Yn: i wasn't cuddling him i was fucking crying because your never home anymore and i miss you and Javon was being a nice friend and comforting me

Jaden: well i'm pissed at both of you

Yn: you can be pissed whatever but don't act like your all innocent

Jaden: what's that supposed to mean

Yn: jaden can you just tell me if you don't wanna be with me anymore so i can stop breaking my own heart hoping you'll one day decide you wanna love me again

Jaden: Yn of course i love you, i've loved you for as long as i can remember and i always will but

Yn: of course there's a but

Jaden: but i think were drifting and it's just not working

Yn: jaden we're drifting because whenever i try to make an effort you act like i'm the bad guy

Jaden: i'm sick of this ill be in my room if you wanna actually fix this instead of just getting angry at me

*Jaden gets up and walks towards the door*

Yn: i don't want to get angry at you but this is what im talking about, we're arguing with eachother and still your blaming it on me

he just looks at me and walks out, i lay back down on my bed and cry.

My bestfriends brother (Jaden Walton)Where stories live. Discover now