Extra points

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******Spoilers ahead******

⚪ V never called Jungkook 'our mate' while every other wolf addresses their mates as 'our mate,' proving that he didn't like sharing his mate with his human side.

⚪ Yerin wasn't evil. She got blinded by hatred, thinking that neither her mate nor her first love wanted her, and started comparing herself to Taehyung.

⚪ At first, Yerin does realize that whatever she was doing was wrong, but again the hate towards Taehyung made her walk on the path, which brought nothing but sadness in her life.

⚪ V could talk to the wolves of anyone without the human side knowing about it. And before something could happen, the wolves around report V about it, making him ready for the trouble.

⚪ Yerin's wolf hated Jungkook. She wanted only her real mate, Yuta, but felt heartbroken when Yuta rejected to mate with her. And that was when both Yuta and Yerin's wolves decided to help Taehyung. Yerin's wolf helped V by telling him about the potions.

⚪ Even after knowing everything, V never let JK know anything about it. It wasn't because he didn't trust his mate. It was because he didn't want to depend on his mate. V was prideful because he believed that he could handle everything well, and he did too but forgot that there was a limit to which the True Moon body could support him.

⚪ Yuta's sister didn't want Yerin to get hurt in all their revenge. She knew because Yerin was Yuta's mate, she would help him in any way, so she always tried to mock her and prayed the alpha girl would understand the hints, but the other never caught it.

⚪ Among all the characters, Hye Bin was the softest and most caring one.

Somethings I wish to add to the story.

⚪ Hyung Sik was supposed to be cold, but I changed him into a soft one. It was the reason for Hyung Sik to be unfriendly toward Jin and Jungkook.

⚪ I wanted to change Taehyung's hair color after every step in their relationship.

⚪ I want Taehyung's hair to change into blue after their first kiss. A symbol that Taehyung's True Moon side will be the owner.

⚪ Golden hair after he would get marked and their first making love.

⚪ And silver hair finally after his heat as the combination of the souls. But nothing like this could be added because of my few mistakes, and it turned out to be a completely different story.

⚪ V was supposed to attack Jungkook on the day of their first meet and would have hated having a True Blood mate, but I couldn't find any way to bring them together, so I let them have a good relationship from the start.

⚪ I wanted to make Taehyung the only person alive from the moonlight pack and Jin the older son of Hye Bin and Hyung Sik, but then I needed someone to take care of Taehyung.

⚪ I thought maybe Jimin could take the place of Jin, but instead of being the brother, Jimin would be the bodyguard, an omega bodyguard, but who the hell makes a 4-year-old kid a bodyguard of another four-year-old. I had to make Jimin somewhat older, like 18 or something, but then when he would meet Yoongi and Hoseok, he would be 32? It was too much of an age gap, so I dropped the idea.

⚪ I made a alternate ending to this story, and it consisted of Taehyung's death.

⚪ According to that, Eunae would start to hate Taehyung, which would have made Taehyung insecure if he could make a good mother or not. He was supposed to be pregnant with their third child at that time.

⚪ Jungkook knew about her hate for Taehyung, and his attempts to cover it failed. Taehyung's insecurity made him worried too for both his mate's mental condition and his unborn pup and tries to make Eunae understand that her hate is irrelevant, but she never listened.

⚪ Another attack happens on the pack, in which Eunae gets struck because she was also playing near the borders. At that moment, Taehyung somehow saves her by taking all her wounds on himself, which leads to his death.

⚪ Sehun managed to save the omega kid but couldn't save Taehyung. Somewhere it was also the result of his half information about omegas. Since then, Eunae blamed herself for her mother's death. Since she never adequately talked to the omega, and if she had listened to Taehyung then she wouldn't have gotten stuck in the battle, and Taehyung wouldn't have had to come to the battlefield to save her.

⚪ But yet again I didn't know what to do after that, so I let that slide. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hehe it would be a totally different story if I had made it like this. 🙃🙃
Thank u for reading.
See you soon
Take care and stay safe and healthy.

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