Chapter 8

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 We walked down the hallway, quietly. Hyunsu was in the front while I was in the back, the kids between us. My earphones haven't made a sound so I wasn't too worried but it doesn't hurt to be careful. I unsheath my sword keeping it in a ready stance.

Hyunsu came to me letting the children walk in front of us, we'll know if some danger is present.
We kept walking beside each other, keeping one pair of eyes on the kids and the other roaming our surroundings.

It was quiet.

Hyunsu suddenly groaned and doubled over as if someone had hit him in his guts. He held tight to his spear, using it as support to stay standing up. His nose was bleeding.

"Hyunsu! Get a grip" I whispered-yelled at him.

I was crouching to him, trying to help him stand straight. 

He's now holding onto me as support.

The children turned toward us and they rushed to our direction.

"What's wrong with him?" The girl asked.

"It's okay, he just needs a breather."

I turned to look at my friend who jerked away from me and stood against the metal door.

"Hyunsu get away from the door." 

"Ughh" He groaned then went still as a stone.

Shit, he's gone.

"Go!" I tell the kids.

"What about him?" 

"He'll come but for now you need to go" 

They nodded and went up the stairs.

I went forward to Hyunsu but the wall started to break.

"Hyunsu come here, quickly before-"


He suddenly plummeted to the ground by the metal door.

A monster almost double my height was standing there in front of me. As I closely see its body, I realize that it is all muscle and no skin. 

I need to get out of here, Hyunsu would be fine but the kids...I am more worried about them even though I know they'll be fine too.

The monster came forward but the space was too small, so it started smashing the wall.

I need to get out of here, now, but my body isn't letting me.


I have to move.


I need to save the kids. I need to move now.


The sound stopped and I looked up to see the monster advancing towards me.

Doria, you need to move NOW!

As it was about to take another step toward me, Hyunsu grabbed its leg. 

The monster stopped and looked at him.

"Go!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him, my body could move again. "Go! stay with the kids."

I  nodded. "You'll be alright, I'll come back."

I zoomed up the stairs, as quickly as I can.

"We have to go on our own now." I heard the little girl's voice.

"But.." The boy started to speak however they turned back as I came to them, keeping my index finger against my lips.

The kids looked like they wanted to ask me questions, but I shook my head.

The monster must have heard them, it must be on its way.

I quickly took the little boy in my arms, at least he won't piss on me right?

Even if he did It doesn't matter, I can just steal some clothes from the other rooms.

Right now I have two options,

First, Get the kids to safety and use myself as bait.

Second, Use the kids as bait.

The muscle monster needs to be out of this building, if not then even the first floor would not be safe as it can smash its way there.

And...the lady with the cradle, I don't remember her name, she didn't have much of a role when the kids were against the muscle monster she brought them some time, she was infected too and soon became a cocoon, as long as no one touches it, we'll be fine.

The door creaked open and the blind monster came in.

"I...c-can-'t s-see"

I put my hands on the children's mouths so they won't make any noise.

After a few tense moments, it started going in the other direction.

I nodded to the kids and slowly started climbing the stairs.

Just then, I heard heavy footsteps behind us.

We turned back and there it was the muscle monster, smiling at us. It reached for me, but when I crouched down, a green murky arm, which I am all too familiar with, went above my head and straight into the monster's chest.

"Found you"

I took the girl's hand and climbed the stairs which led to the 15th floor, letting the monsters fight.

Once we reached the floor, I had to quickly make a decision.

Should I hide the kids in my room or keep them close to me?

If I keep them in my room there is a chance that they'll be safe.

If I keep them close to me I can keep an eye on them and the lady will help us buy some time.

But my room is at the end of the corridor, behind us, even if the kids hide.... how can they escape. What if something is already in there, what if the virus gets to them?

I can't risk it. 

I made up my mind.

I put the little boy back down and got my sword out as I heard the heavy footsteps.

"I will distract it." I tell the kids, "So when there is a chance, run in the opposite direction, Brother will be there ok?"

The kids nodded but flinched when the footsteps grew nearer.

I shielded them and the monster was in front of us, smiling wickedly.

The lady should be here now.

It started coming to us.

Any second now.

I saw Hyunsu behind the monster and my blood ran cold, the lady won't come.


I mustered up my courage.

"YAH!" I yelled at it. "You stupid thing."

The monster stopped looking offended.


I pushed the kids forward, they understood and ran towards Hyunsu. The monster stared at me and roared.


It roared at me again.

"What are you doing? It'll kill you." I heard Jisoo.

"I don't think it will win against this." I showed my blade. "Right?" I taunt the monster.

It bellowed again, raising its fist, ready to smack me but I was quick.

I ran towards it and sliced its lower thigh, blood pouring out. It hissed and turned towards us.

"Go!" I tell the others, "I'll take care of it."

Then I turned to the MR. Ugly. "Here big guy, Catch me if you can." I sang.

And I ran.

The monster tailing behind me. 

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