Chapter 3 • Wedding Day

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The time came.

Lily was wearing her mother's wedding dress. She had firmly put her foot down when it was discussed to make her an entirely new one. There was no way her clan could afford that. Besides, it would only be wasteful as she didn't want a new gown, she wanted to wear her mother's. She peered at herself in the polished metal. Her mother's white dress now had gold trimmings added which was one of the few things Lily had given in to. It flowed softly to her feet and contrasted sharply with her dark hair that was being constantly moved by the maid.

Lily wasn't sure where all these servants kept coming from. Lily hadn't had a lady's maid in at least two years, but the maid who was helping her get ready was quiet and reserved and she couldn't get much information out of her. She had just finished carefully twisting Lily's thick hair into an intricate braid with white flowers weaved in, when there was a knock at the door. The maid quickly went to open it.

Lily looked up and recognised her father in the reflection in his best plaid. Their eyes met in the polished metal and he suddenly drew in a sharp breath and the little lines between his eyebrows appeared.

"Oh Father, are ye well?" she asked, rushing over to take his arm.

"Aye, aye, quite well child, quite well," Laird Lachlan assured her hoarsely, patting her small, white hand with his big, veiny one. She looked into his blue eyes that had actually brightened with age; it was then that she realised he was starting to tear up. He whispered, "Ye look exactly like yer mother."

Lily felt her own eyes starting to well up.

"I still remember how her hair was bouncing around her arms as she came down that aisle all those years ago," Laird Lachlan continued after a shaky inhale, "We hadn't met each other yet; the first time I saw her was the day before the wedding. She seemed nervous as she came on her father's arm, but there was something in her eye," - he paused to find the words - "almost like she had a hope, a conviction, that this marriage would be a blessing. She certainly put her whole body and soul into it. And to think it almost didn't happen..."

Lily was caught off guard. She hadn't known that. With furrowed brow, she looked at her father, searching his face for more insight but all she saw was the far away look he wore when he was deep in thought.

"What do ye mean, Father?" she questioned when she couldn't discern anymore from his expression, "What almost didn't happen? Yer wedding?"

Laird Lachlan snapped out of his thoughts, shook his head slightly and answered hurriedly, "'Tis no matter, m'dear. We've got two clans waiting fer ye to show up at the chapel; wouldn't want the Mackenzie to think ye've ran away, now would we?"

That was a fair argument, but it would only silence her for so long; she was certain there was more to the story here. How had her parents never told her they almost didn't get married? Father she may be able to understand, he was always a bit more reserved. But Mother? Her and Lily were like a hand and a glove, they told each other everything.

Arm in arm, father and daughter left the chamber and travelled down the stairs. Lily could have sworn the stone halls echoed with the sound of her heartbeat.

This was it.

These were her last moments before her future became unknown, before she would be married to a man of whom all she knew was terrifying.

She could feel her hands shaking involuntarily.

"Are ye sure ye want this, lass?" she heard her father ask quietly.

"Aye," Lily hoped she sounded more confident to his ears than she did to her own. Her people needed this and she was willing to do whatever it took for the betterment of her clan, her family.

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