Chapter 9 • Duties

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The song of the Highland birds was different from what she was accustomed to. Lily was used to waking up to the sound of the distant ocean waves breaking on the shore and seagulls squawking. Even though the ocean sounds were sorely missed, Lily couldn't really say she preferred the seagull squawk over these birds' chirping. She lay motionless in the bed for a few moments as she allowed her eyes time to adjust to the sunlight. Then it occurred to her; she should be hearing more than just birds. Breathing, mayhap?

She looked over her shoulder and then turned onto her back as she searched for Alasdair, but all that met her gaze was the wrinkled sheet where he had laid in the night.

Her lips drew into a wee pout and her shoulders sagged a fraction.

Why didn't he wake her? Was he disappointed they didn't consummate their marriage last night? Lily had tried to stay awake, she really did. She even asked the sweet maid, Dolag, who showed her to her chamber to bring her some food so that she could do something to keep her awake. But next thing she knew, Alasdair was carrying her and tucking her in bed before climbing in and cuddling her from behind.

Suddenly, the chamber door was forcefully thrown open, slamming against the wall as it opened to its fullest, the loud bang wrenching Lily from her thoughts and causing her to jump and a little startled scream escaped her lips.

A fully dressed Lady Fiona waltzed in followed by Dolag and another maid who seemed younger than the first.

"Lady Fiona!" Lily exclaimed with a hand on her chest, trying to calm her breathing, "You startled me!"

"Rise and shine, lass," she spoke as if she hadn't heard her, "'Tis time I show ye how to run a keep."

Lily's brows were tempted to touch each other as annoyance start to bubble up in her stomach, "I thank ye, m'lady, but I am aware of-"

"If ye were aware of how to run a keep, we Mackenzies would no' have had to step in; yer clan would no' have been in disrepair and ye probably never would have agreed to this marriage in the first place." The dignified figure spoke sharply but Lily saw in her eyes something else was bothering her. Lily managed to bite down a snarky remark and simply allowed the woman to continue uninterrupted. "Now, get yerself up, we've a lot to get to today."

Sighing inwardly, Lily swung her legs off the bed and rose as Lady Fiona continued, "First thing's first, this'll be yer lady's maid, seeing as yer father and brother thought it fit to send ye without one," She extended a bony hand in the direction of the redhead who simply bobbed a curtsy.

"Get dressed and then meet me in the kitchen, we have much to discuss." Not even Lady Fiona's graying red hair dared to move in its tightly woven hairstyle as she spun around and left just as suddenly as she arrived.

The silence that filled the chamber was broken by the long breath Lily released. She turned her attention to the maid. She was a pretty little thing with her round face and round eyes. She nervously tucked a flyaway curl of her red-blonde hair behind her ear with a quick movement keeping her eyes glued to the floor, clearly becoming uncomfortable under Lily's steady gaze.

"What's yer name?" Lily asked kindly and was greeted by big baby blue eyes.

"Maisie, m'lady," the maid answered softly with another curtsy.

"Do ye ken much about being a lady's maid?"

Maisie suddenly looked a bit worried, "Um, n-nay, m'lady, no' very much. Only what Lady Fiona instructed me this morning."

"That's a relief," Lily breathed out and won a confused look from Maisie, "I do no' ken very weel myself, I have no' had a lady's maid for quite some time now. Mayhap we can learn together?"

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