The Floating - Part 2

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I stared at Alex's bare back as he sat up and scooted to the edge of our queen bed, groaning. "My hips," he complained. "My thighs!"

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I nuzzled my face into his skin and kissed the warm brown skin on the small of his back.

"We are not doing it again." He turned his head to stare at me with serious, concerned eyes. I pouted as he stood up wobbly. "I feel like this isn't even my body."

"Are you really getting u―"

"Ahh!" Alex fell to the floor as his legs gave out. "The fuck?" He held his face in his hands and whimpered. "Oh my god, Liam. This has never happened to me before."

Smiling, I got off the bed and helped him stand. "Take it easy today."

"You have some nerve, Liam Santos." He softly smacked my arm. "What do you think caused this? I'm exhausted. My muscles feel like jello and if I make a wrong move, my hip will dislocate." His forehead rested against my cheek.

"You didn't complain before, though." I frowned, wondering if I'd missed signs last night or this morning.

"Well, I mean..." He shifted awkwardly. "At the time, there were other things I was busy noticing..."

I pecked his forehead. "Rest up. I'm going to the gym."

"The gym?!" His jaw dropped as I spun towards the dresser. "Where are you getting all of this energy?"

"Call me when Malcolm arrives?"

Arms folded, Alex sighed then put on his concerned face again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine?" Wasn't it obvious? I was showering him with love and smiles. We'd spent all last night and this morning romping in bed. Why was he asking that? "Oh, you mean about Malcolm? It's just for two weeks, right?"

Alex seemed like he was about to say something but stopped himself. A soft smile passed his pretty lips. "Yeah."

Malcolm had been serious about planning to move to Toronto. His two-week stay with us was part of that plan, taking in the Toronto life and deciding where he wanted to settle himself once he had the funds. While I obviously just wanted it to be me and Alex, Malcolm was Alex's second or third best friend and on my good list, so how could I say no?

I came home from two hours at the gym and three taking photographs to find Malcolm and Alex curled up on the couch.

"Girl, I still cannot get over this article," Malcolm gushed, staring at his phone.

Alex flicked his bangs out of his face. "Welcome back, babe."

"It's, like, the best thing ever. You are King." It looked like Malcolm was gushing over Alex's latest article on The Toronto Sky's website.

"I don't get a hello, Malcolm?"

"I saw you, like, two weeks ago, at Thanksgiving." Malcolm rolled his eyes and swiped his screen.

With narrowed eyes, I went to kiss Alex who was smiling at our playful exchange.

"I was thinking about taking Malcolm to Korean Village."

Malcolm gasped. "What is that? Like, The Village People?" He gasped again. "Is it a Kpop gay bar? Will there be hot boys?"

He was so thirsty. "Did you come here to find a boyfriend?"

"No, Liam."

"Then to get laid."

"Don't be vulgar. I'm saving myself for my soulmate."

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