Epilogue: The Recovery - Final Part

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I watched Liam snap proud photo after photo of his culinary creation. My mouth watering at the maple hollandaise sauce smothering the creamy eggs benedict, I sighed. "More pictures?"

"You wanted me to upload stuff on Instagram."

My eyes bore into the back bacon as my grip tightened on the fork. "Can I eat it now?"

Liam took one more picture then lowered his phone. "Okay, I'm done. Eat."

I dug the fork into the flowing egg and brought it to my mouth. So good. Much better than the cucumber grilled cheese from 9 or so months ago. "So you're liking the culinary classes?" To find his passion, Liam had started dabbling in courses at one of the local colleges.

Shifting his eyes, he nodded. "Yeah. But... I'm not really... helping people."

"Hm?" He was helping my stomach.

"I... think I want to help people. It kind of hit me while I was in the film class and helping the person beside me with editing. I thought I was a creative person but... it just kind of hit me. Susan was right; I'm a helper."

I put down the fork and stood up from our new barstools to hug the love of my life. "That's good. That's good, Liam! So what direction do you want to go in?"

"I've been picturing a lot of things..." He trailed off, letting go of my waist. "Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Geriatric Care."

Massage therapy? I didn't want Liam touching―no, I should be supportive. "That's good!" I turned away to sit back in front of my food.

"So, I'll take some courses for those next semester, I guess." My cell phone chimed with an alert that Liam had uploaded new Instagram photos. "Hopefully, one of those will be it so I can stop taking money from Lily."

I swallowed another delicious bite of the eggs benedict. "We've got to take her to Disney World or something."

Liam placed the dirty pans in the sink. "By the time we can afford that, she'll prefer Vegas."

"I'm sure she'll be happiest when you find the right career."

"Massage therapist..."


Liam pursed his lips. "I knew it. You don't like the idea of me massaging other people."

He came around the counter and started massaging my shoulders as I replied, "No! I'm fine! It's a health career. I know the difference! I'll get over it! I want you to find a job you like!"


"Of course!"

His warm lips kissed my neck. "Your voice gets high pitched when you fib."

"What?!" Damn, he was right. I cleared my throat. "You... named other things too... Who knows what you'll find yourself enjoying."

Liam peeked his head over my shoulder. "You'd be okay if I come home smelling like old people?"

"Of course! You can shower then tell me about your day!"

He smiled. "You're so cute." His arms wrapped around my shoulders then squeezed. As his hands travelled to my sensitive spots, I laughed.

"Stop! Hahahah! No tickling! Hahaha!" He removed his hands and I gave him a look that conveyed my love. We didn't say it as much as we used to because the three words didn't seem to be enough to convey the extent to which that love existed. In our good times and our bad. Our smiles, even when we were frowning. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

I placed a kiss on his lips.

Liam smirked. "I wish I could stay, but I have a date."

I raised an eyebrow. "A date?"

"Yeah. A playdate with Riley. We have to prepare for this Summer's anime con."

I tried not to snort as I turned back to the eggs benedict. "Have fun."

Liam grabbed his wallet and keys, then blew me a kiss before stepping out the door.

I picked up my cell phone and dialled Lexi.


"Hey, want to go to the movies with me? I have two tickets."

"What about Liam?"

"Liam?" I smiled to myself. "Liam's out having his own fun."

"Without you?" Lexi sounded surprised. "How nice."

"Yep," I replied with sincerity. "It's beautiful."

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