Chapter 9: The Battle (Updated)

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And we're back!


To say the first battle was a near-unwatchable would be an understatement, Bakugo completely left Iida in the dust so he could hunt down Midoriya, while Uraraka couldn't contain herself and laughed at Iida, Midoriya managed to outsmart Bakugo in the end and won the battle, all in all, it was very unsettling.

The next battle was a complete 180, Todoroki and Shoji on the Hero team VS Ojiro and Hagakure on the Villain team seemed like it would be super interesting, but in the end, Todoroki froze the entire building, not even letting Shoji do anything so that was just boring.

Up next was Kirishima and Sero as the villains vs Sato and I as the heroes.

Sato and I stood outside the building, waiting for the order to go in and start

Y/n: "Let's plan quickly, Sero will most likely use his tape to make rooms like a minefield, and Kirishima will most likely try to force us into the tape, the best course of action is to either force Kirishima into the tape or cut it down, which..." I bring out a long wooden pole and at the end a sharp blade 

Y/n: "I can take care of it."

Sato: "Wow, you're brilliant"

I shake a bit at the compliment, something I'm not used to.

Y/n: "...I know, now what I need you to do is keep Kirishima busy. Sero seems like the weakest link so if we take him out we can focus on Kirishima together"

Sato: "Alright, I can do that"

Y/n: "Wonderful"

The voice of All Might came over on a loudspeaker to signal the beginning.

All Might: "Indoor interpersonal battle training... Begin!"

We began our training by entering the building, neither of our quirks had the ability to gain info so we decided to split up to cover more ground.

I rose up the stairs to the next floor and spotted a closed door covered in tape.

Y/n: "Bingo" I thought to myself.

I put my fingers on the communication device in my ear and activate it.

Y/n: "Sato, can you hear me?"

Sato: "I hear you loud and clear Y/n, what's up?"

Y/n: "I found the room where the bomb is, I'm on the 3rd floor, come quickly."

Sato: "Alright, on it!"

I begin to formulate a plan in my head to try and secure the bomb.

Eventually, I hear footsteps approaching and spot Sato coming up the stairs.

Sato: "I'm here, how're we gonna get the bomb?"

A grin grew across my face under my mask.

Y/n: "Change of plans my friend..."


Once the new plan had been laid out for Sato, we made our way to the room adjacent to where Kirishima and Sero waited and began the first step in our plan.

Sato pulled out a small packet of sugar and ripped it open, eating the sugar.

His muscles grew and veins bulged as he reeled his fist back and threw a mighty punch at the wall, making a s hand-sized hole between the rooms.

I could hear Kirishima on the other side go: "Huh?"

Before they could react, I shoved my arm through the hole and I initiated the next step in my plan.

Villainous Quirk | Scarecrow Male Reader X BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now