Chapter 10: Class President (Updated)

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The day began interestingly when we walked up to school and spotted a mob of reporters surrounding the entrance to UA.

Once they spotted us, we had no time to run as we too were swarmed.

Reporter: "What's it like learning from All Might?"

Midoriya: "Ah... Um... I'm due at the nurse's office."

Reporter: "Tell us what the symbol of peace looks like in front of the class?"

Uraraka: "Um... Super muscly!"

Reporter: "Tell us about: 'All Might the teacher'."

Iida: "Every day with him is a reminder that I'm enrolled at this preeminent educational institution. Beyond his obvious dignity and presence, he's also quite humorous. As we students are privy to observing his many facets, we've been given the opportunity to discover just what makes a top hero."

Reporter: "How do you feel looking at the physique of All Might and comparing it to your own?"

Y/n: "Get that microphone out of my face before I send you to Arkham."

Reporter: "When All Might is... Hey! You're the kid from the Sludge incident!"

Bakugo: "Buzz off."

Reporter: "Does All Mig- Who're you? You're a mess!"

Aizawa: "He's off today, you're disrupting our classes, please leave."

Aizawa proceeded to walk through the main gates, ignoring the remaining questions from the press, from which one particularly stubborn woman tries to pursue further.

It got a chuckle out of me seeing the gate close in her face.

Eventually, we all made it to class safe and sound. Aizawa decided to address some of our performances during yesterday's training.

Aizawa: "Good work with yesterday's battle training. I've overlooked your grades and evaluation."

He looked towards Bakugo first.

Aizawa: "Bakugo. Grow up, stop wasting your talent."

Bakugo looked down with a scowl.

Bakugo: "...Got it"

Then he looked towards me.

Aizawa: "L/n, you did acceptable, though if it were a real battle, immediately giving the enemy the antidote would likely result in your death, don't go easy on everyone because they're your classmates."

Aizawa said that last part with a creepy smile, everyone shivered.

Y/n: "Erm... yes sir."

Finally, he turned to Midoriya, who flinched under the newfound attention.

Aizawa: "Midoriya, it seems like you ended yet another day with a broken arm. Learn to control your quirk, because just trying isn't going to cut it. I hate repeating myself. But you do have potential, assuming you can overcome this, work hard Midoriya."

Midoriya: "Yes sir!"

Aizawa: "Now onto homeroom business, sorry for the sudden announcement but today..."

The whole classroom gained a air of suspense.

The class: "What is it? Another brutal pop quiz?"

Aizawa: "'ll pick a class president"

The class: "Such a normal class thing!"

Immediately everyone started nominating themselves.

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