Chapter 16: Twilight, drinks and blue boys

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Parker's Perspective
I decide to shower at home. I don't want anyone to see what's under the dirt and concealer. I know I should be able to tell my friends and I really wished I could. But I can't. trust them. I feel like I can't trust anyone. Before I step into the shower I open Spotify. Sam isn't home. For some reason I keep thinking about High School Musical. These songs slap man... Fuck it, he's not home. I'm listening to it.

I step out of the shower and get dressed. When I open the door I jump, wich hurts my ribs. Sam sits on his bed, looking very amused. I stare at him angrily. "What are you doing here?!" He raises an eyebrow. "Well, I kind of LIVE here. What are YOU doing here?" He didn't hear? I mentally sigh of relieve. He would bully me with this forever. "Well I was just-" He stops me. "Don't really care. Was just here to grab my jacket, it's still in the bathroom." I shake it off. "Oh, ok." He steps in and when I turn my back I hear him mumble the song that I was singing along to. That little shit- I walk slowly to the door of the bathroom and stare at him blankly. He's looking too amused and I don't like it. "Yeah yeah, shut up." I warn him. He laughs. "this is the best day of my life." I roll my eyes. "What a sad life you live then." He walks out but I stop him by grabbing his arm (softly, I would never hurt him.) Don't you dare talking about this or-" "Or what?" He raises an eyebrow and looks at the arm I'm holding, now just realising how close we are standing. He looks into my eyes and smiles playfully. "Or, what?" He asks again, almost whispering it now. I know he's just doing this to get a reaction out of me, and I hate that it WORKS. It's kind of... hot? I shake it off, letting go of his arm. "Fuck off."

Sam's perspective
He's so flustered. Why is he so flustered? I tease him alot like this, just because its funny to get a reaction out of him when he feels like he can threaten me. He can't, really. Well, I suppose I'm more threatened of him being flustered than I have been of him at all. Because normally it's funny. But this isn't funny. This feels... Well I don't know. Not funny?

Parker's perspective
"What's the matter Williams?" He asks me. "Stop being weird." I tell him. And I mean it. He's being an idiot. "Oh I'm not doing anything." He mumbles, while walking away. "Hey!" I shout. "Im serious! No word! I will kill you." "Stop threatening me and maybe I won't." I roll my eyes. "Please?" He looks at me. "Now that's more like it." He grins, while walking away again. "You know, you can't flirt with me just because you helped me once. We're not friends and I'm not gay." He's amused by that. "Funny how you think this is me when flirting, really Parker not everyone wants to suck your dick just because you're a football player. Actually glad we're not friends because you're too annoying to keep up." I try to hide my laugh but he notices. "Anyways, I'm leaving. My gay friends and I are going to get some takeaway. We're watching a movie here, so feel free to join if you want." "Ha, you're funny. No. And why does it have to be here? I thought they had a tv at their room?" "Yeah, well I told them they could. I thought you weren't going to be home anyway." I shake my head "I'm not going out tonight. Not like this." He nods. For a moment he doesn't say anything. His green eyes look sad. "I should get going." He says. I nod. He really should.

Sam's perspective
"So why are we watching a movie at your place when HE is there?" Alex groans. "Well for one, I don't want to lay on a bed where I know you two have been... doing things in...-" Jason interrups me with a flustered "We don't!-" But I ignore him and go on. Alex is blushing profusely. "And SECONDLY, my tv is just better, sorry. it's just the truth." Alex looks shocked and wants to say something, but Jason stops him. He points at the person signing that it's our turn to order. "Get him later, it's our turn." He gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh god you guys are so disgustingly cute. Can't believe I'm thirdwheeling my beautiful friends again." Alex laughs and ruffles my hair. "Sorry Sammy."

We're back at my room and Parker isn't there. And to be completely honest, I'm glad he isn't. Things were becoming real weird in a really short time. We've been living together for such a long time, and we've probably never talked that much without insulting eachother than we have now. Wich says alot. We display the food on the beds. I say beds, because we secretly put Parker's bed against mine. (We wouldn't fit! I know he's going to be mad but, well I don't care.) The moment I turn on the tv the door opens. Shit. I prepare for an angry, annoying speech but he just frowns. "Why are there 3 gays on my bed?" "Sorry." I tell him honestly. "I should've asked and it's not okay t-" "Anderson, it's ok. I can't be bothered tonight." I frown. "Are you okay?"I ask. He scoffs "Why wouldn't I be?" I shake my head. "Right." "Just oooone question. If you 3 take in my bed, then where the hell do I have to sit? Or sleep?" "Well, if you're not afraid of us, you can watch the movie with us if you want?" Jason asks him. I see Alex slightly moving his arm, clearly disagreeing. "I'm not scared." Parker says in a whining tone. "Well, watch it. I dare you." ok Jason really has to stop. The boy is too kind to the wrong people. "Hell no." He says, so I just roll my eyes and start the movie. But slowly I can see him moving closer to the bed, and when I look at him questionably he mumbles something like "Well I have no other choice do I, you stole my bed."

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