Chapter 3: Principal's office

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Jason's perspective

I can't believe this is actually happening. This whole summer I kept saying to myself that this was all just a bad dream. That none of this had happened and that I would see my friends again when school started. I'm not even sure if they still wanted to talk to me. But I'm not just dreaming. This is real. And here I am, sitting in the principal's office with my mother. Staring at a 50 year old man trying to explain to us how and why football is more important than grades.

My mom tries to look at him with much interest, but as he shows us all the trophies he won when he was my age, she makes a quick eyeroll at me. Jezus. We've been here for like 30 minutes and we've only been talking about football. Well, mostly him talking, we did the nodding while trying to hide our irritation. I just want sleep. Or some coffee at least. It was an all day drive to get here and I couldn't sleep all night.

As the principal keeps rambling, my mother starts to lose her patience. I knew she had to be at work in a few hours so when he picks up an old photoalbum I decide to interrupt him. "Excuse me, Sir?" I say. The principal looks irritated, like I was bothering him from doing something important. "Yes?" He asks. "Sorry for interrupting, but I'm not feeling quite well. Is it okay as we handle this quickly so I can take a rest in my room?" My mother looks at me with a thankful glare. He frowns. "That's okay young man," he says. "We will continue this story later. You'll be here for 2 more years after all.
" I gulp. Two more years with this crazy ass football freak. Nice. Just what I needed in life.

"So," He says, as he tries reading my file while squishing his eyes togheter. "Sorry, I forgot my glasses at home. Janet was it? Jas, Jackson? Jarol? Karen?" Karen? I think irritated. This bitch really just-. "Jason, his name is Jason." My mother says quickly, reading the look on my face. "right, right" he says, still squishing his eyes together. The wrinkles next to his eyes are trying to escape his face but stay there, getting more noticable every time he squishes them tighter. "So, this says you've been expelled from your other school. Why is that?" I close my eyes. "He got into a few fights." My mom says quietly. "After talking to his teachers they decided it was best that he changed school. And since this school was the best and closest one in the area,we decided that it would be perfect. A fresh start."

You decided. I think. I knew she was ashamed of me. And I couldn't disagree with that thought. I would be ashamed too. But she was going to leave me here. In this boarding school, far away from her."Yes yes, great great." The principal says. "But how do I know the same thing isn't going to happen here? He slightly closes his eyes in a suspicious way, crossing his arms. "I guess you don't." I say, but getting lightly kicked in the leg by my mom. "He's not going to do it again, you can mark my words on that." She says.
"Well then." The principal stands up and holds a hand at me. "Welcome in our school, Jason blue." "Jason Brown" I correct him. Jesus christ is this guy being serious?
"Right." He says. "You're going to share a room with one of our best students, so you're in luck !" Oh what a luck I have. I watch him press a red button on his desk before his secretary walks in. "Ms Silver? Could you be so kind to bring Jason here to his room?" He smiles. She nods and smiles as my mom gives me a goodbye-hug.

There are so. much. stairs. Ms Silver is talking to me and telling me more about my roommate, but I couldn't care less. I can't hear what she is saying and I'm just too tired to pay much attention to anything at this moment. I am a bit curious tho. How he is like, what his name is. I believe ms Silver told this a few times already, but my brain is half asleep and I'm too afraid to ask her again, as she looks like she would kill me if I asked her to repeat one thing of her 5 minutes long talking again. She is nice tho. But something tells me that I'm just half as tired as she is. "Classes start at 9, don't be late." She says, smiling. I blink to wake up from my daydreaming and nod. I give her a small smile. We are finally at the door and after we say goodbye and I thank her I take a deep breath. This is the beginning of my new life. My new life. I repeat in my head, as I put my hand on the door handle and open the door.

As I walk in and look around to find my roommate, I see the super clean room with the book shelves and the two beds. I also see a person in one of the beds, asleep. And I also see his familiar face. Holy shit. I should really listen more when people tell me things.

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