Chapter 146 - A Lady Will Never Be Defeated

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TN: Well, results are out and as you can see, I would be translating as how the Author wrote it!

The Fireworks Festival organized by Will ended on a high note.

The next day.

Will was in great spirits as Zen and Selphy would be staying for a while longer after the event but as opposed to him.....

This was bad.

Chiffon's tail curled up in a ball as her ears fidgeted restlessly. Will-Sama was only 8. It was normal for a boy his age to spend more time with his friends than to fall in love.

But still, this was bad if it continued.

What if, during this time when he was still disinterested in love, his feelings for his friend grew strong and something would blossomed between them instead? Chiffon was worried that she did not entered his eye at all.

Being his personal maid was, one part, repaying a debt of gratitude towards him but it was more of the feeling of wanting to be by his side. And, if there would be a chance that something would happened when they were together.....

The novels she read for research had plenty of of stories about how Nobles would lay their hands on their maid. In the end, the maids would get pregnant and they would then be wedded as their wife.

Oh, how wonderful!

In the cold winter, Chiffon was trying her best in wiping clean the windows when all of a sudden, a hand, filled with warm, touched her and when she turned from the surprise, she saw Will, smiling at her.... Chiffon quickly cut off her day dream in a haste. She can't have a nose bleed in the middle of work.

She could be considered a pervert by society considering Will's age.

But that's alright if that meant that she could stay by Will's side forever. That's how much she loved him, she felt happiness just by being with him.

But then.

" There is a strong rival... "

Chiffon sighed. She had expected Will to make friends in school and she even anticipated that he would be admired by a large number. So much so that it would not be strange for him to even had a fan club.

Even though Chiffon's expectations were totally on point.

That was why, Chiffon had prepared to face her rival when she learned that Will would be bringing friends along when he returned.


It was proved that Chiffon had it all wrong. The biggest enemy was right next to her! Of course, Will's friend, Selphy, was frankly showing off her attraction to him and Chiffon was quite surprised at how thick-headed Will was to that. But!

Yes, him! Her biggest enemy!

John! Will's home tutor and his best friend, the one and only JOHN!

Although Chiffon was conscious about how they do not see it that way. However, they were so close that there was no gaps for her to even slipped in. She wanted to avoid the situation where only John can held Will's attention and she was always out of bounds.

She let out a long breath and gripped the cloth in her hands tightly. She had the afternoon free today. As Will was out playing with Zen and Selphy, this was the only chance.

" Time to attack! "


Thanks to Will and his friends, the residence was filled with lively energy. Ah, although most of them still hadn't recovered from giddiness of the 'Fireworks Festival' Will planned.

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