Chapter 4

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Although it was read by Shen Lang.

But some girls are still very lively.

In just a few minutes, the scar was healed immediately and the pain was forgotten.

I chatted with Lin Jiayao one by one.

"The last question of this exam is the last question, the result is not five?"

"What five? It's obviously sixty-five!"

"Really? Is the gap between the numbers a bit too big?"

"What's your last move?"


Several people chatted and discussed.

After listening for a while, Shen Lang said with some disgust.

"The root sign is one hundred and sixty-three, with the last three decimal places."

"About twelve point seven six seven."

"You are missing two decimal places, so the result is wrong."

"The correct result is not five, nor sixty-five, but seven!"

"It can't be counted, no wonder you are scumbags."


Hearing Shen Lang's words, the girls were stunned.

Lin Jiayao was also a little confused.

If she remembered correctly...

Isn't your uncle only eight years old?

Eight-year-old student, has already begun to learn the root number?

Looking at Shen Lang in shock, Lin Jiayao said incredulously.

", can you also know the root number?"

"What's wrong with something so simple?"

"It's you, are you high school students?"

"It takes a long time to discuss such a simple question."

"You are not ashamed, I am ashamed for you."

Shen Lang's tone was even more disgusting.

Although he has passed through, the knowledge of his previous life is still there.

A mere high school-level math problem is still difficult for him.

"Stop talking, go upstairs and have a parent-teacher meeting."

With that said, Shen Lang turned around.

Several girls were stunned for a few seconds, and said sleepwalkingly.

"Jia Yao, you, your uncle seems to be a bit powerful..."

"This is a high school subject..."

"He, he is only eight years old, how can he understand?"

"Is the point here?"

"The point is that he doesn't even have a computer. How can he figure out the root number one hundred and sixty-three in a few seconds?"

"This is not a root number three, you can directly recite the value..."

"Jia Yao... Your eight-year-old uncle's IQ looks higher than yours!"

After hearing the words of several people, Lin Jiayao also became a little excited.

Could it be that... her uncle is a gifted child?

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