Chapter 22: Nightmare

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She was standing in a grand ballroom. It was empty, but she could hear sounds of laughter and tinkling of glasses as though ghosts of happy memories still danced around the room.

Her fingers brushed the silken fabric by her side. She looked down to see that she was wearing a simple, yet elegant white dress. Looking up, she caught her reflection in a golden glass against the wall. Her short hair was curled gracefully, reminding her of the little girl's hair from The Book Thief. 

"Vale..." echoed a voice.

She whipped around, searching for the caller. She moved across the room. A great spiraling staircase curved upward.


"Carlisle?" She called up the stairs. She grabbed the folds of her dress and trotted upstairs, her heels clicking on the marble floor.

"Carlisle?!" she called louder.

She found herself on a balcony, overlooking the ballroom. "Carlisle?" she whispered.

She had seen this place before...

"Vale." The voice was right in her ear, making her jump. Carlisle's arms slipped about her waist from behind her. "I've got you, Darling." He said, his voice husky. "There is someone I want you to meet."

His hold on her waist tightened, pinning her to him. Her hands instinctively went to grip his arms, wincing slightly at his strength. Forcefully spinning her around, they were face to face with the dark-haired vampire she had seen in the painting.

"Well done, Carlisle. You have always been a faithful servant." He cackled, making Vale's whole body shudder. 

Carlisle didn't answer his apparent master, his lips were working down Vale's jawline and throat. She could feel him nip and suck on what skin he could find there.

"Carlisle." her voice was strained with fear.

He hummed against her throat, sending vibrations through her whole frame.

"Thank you, Carlisle, for bringing yet another follower into our fold..." said the man in red, his ruby eyes gleaming, and his fangs barred. 

Carlisle's mouth opened wider, and he sank his fangs into her throat. 

Vale let out a loud wailing moan.

Her grip on Carlisle's hands grew tighter, making the veins in her hands more prominent. 

Her eyes flicked downward to see blood trailing from her neck down her shoulder, staining her pure white dress. 

She felt darkness overtake her.


"She's waking up..."

(Recommended song: Requiem for a Dream by Jennifer Thomas)

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