Chapter 47

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TW: Mentions of pregnancy/abortion

It was about twenty minutes later when Emmett burst into Nichole's room, followed by Edward. "Edward, didn't I specifically tell them not to do..." He gestured to the couple that was in the bed, and thankfully, dressed. "All that?"

Edward couldn't help but chuckle, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I believe that you did."

"Can you guys just go?!" Nichole groaned. "Carlisle!"

"He did warn you, Nichole," Carlisle replied from one of the other rooms with a chuckle. "Just tell me that the two of you were safe and used a condom."

Nichole groaned in frustration at first, but then her face turned white. Edward's eyes widened. "Nichole....please tell me that this is just some trick of my mind right now."

" it's not."

"Woah, what's going on?" Jacob asked, sitting up in the bed.

"Um..." Nichole gave a nervous chuckle. "We may or may not have forgotten to use protection last night."

Jacob blinked, a blank look in his eyes. "Uh, okay?"

Edward sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Let me explain this to you in a way that you would understand. You two didn't use protection, so that means that more likely than not, you got Nichole pregnant last night."

Now Jacob understood. "Shit." He got out of bed, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, there's a chance that didn't happen, right?"

Edward raised an eyebrow. "All it takes is one time." He said, he sounded like a father lecturing their child, Nichole half expected Edward to call Jacob 'son' at some point in the conversation.

"Jacob..." Nichole got up and went to him, holding his hands and trying to get him to calm down. "Look at me, take deep breaths, okay? Whatever happens, we'll figure it out."

"We can't have a baby, Nichole! Not with the situation that we're in, it's far too dangerous."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that if you are pregnant, maybe we should consider an abortion."

Nichole sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I don't know Jacob."

"What do you mean that you don't know? It's a simple option."

"I mean that I don't know, Jacob. This isn't something that I can decide on just spur of the moment, you know?"

"Nichole, we're not really in the position to have a baby right now!"

"You think that I don't know that?" Nichole sighed. "Look, we don't even know for sure that I'm pregnant or not." She looked at Edward. "Any idea how long it would take for a test to tell us?"

"With human babies, a week or two, depending on the test used," Edward replied. "But your baby would be half-wolf, so that might mean an accelerated growth rate. When the shops open, I'll go and grab you a test. Our family should be able to sense if you're pregnant, as well."

Nichole bit her lip hard enough that she could taste blood. How could they have been so careless?

Edward pulled Nichole into a hug. "Don't worry, everything will work out the way that it's supposed to." He reassured his sister before turning to look at Jacob. "You're coming with me." He said, indicating that Jacob didn't have a choice in the matter.

Jacob groaned before getting out of the bed, pulling on some pants and a shirt before following Edward out to the car. "Why exactly am I being forced to come with you, Sparkles?"

"First of all, don't call me Sparkles, second of all, you need to stop trying to force a decision onto Nichole. You need to be there for her."

"Edward, come on, you're not agreeing with her, are you? She could be pregnant, and now is really not the time to be having a kid!"

"I know that, and I know that Nichole knows that, but this isn't just about you, or about safety, it's about what Nichole wants, and you know that if she is pregnant, then she isn't going to be getting rid of that baby. And I also know that this isn't just about that, either. You're scared, scared that you're going to fail as a father."

"You know, sometimes I really hate that you're a mind reader." Jacob ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, so maybe I am scared a little bit, okay? I didn't think that I would be having a kid so soon. What if I'm no good at being a father? What if I can't keep Nichole and the baby safe?"

"Jacob, every time that I start to think that you're no good for Nichole, you go and say something like this, something that makes me realize how much you care about her. You worrying about how you're not going to be a good father just proves how good of a father that you'll turn out to be. I get that you're scared, and that this isn't the ideal situation to be having a baby in, but ultimately you're going to have to come to a decision, either you stay here and you support Nichole and your baby, or you leave. If you don't support Nichole having the baby, then you need to leave. She's going through a lot, and having you there while she's with child, knowing that you don't want anything to do with it, I'm fairly certain that would crush her."

Jacob was conflicted, he didn't know what to do. On one hand, he wanted to be there for Nichole, but on the other hand, he didn't know if this was something that he would be able to handle.

"Maybe you should leave for a few days," Edward suggested to him. "Be alone, by yourself, and think things through without people trying to tell you what you should be thinking."

"But what about Nichole? It's not like I can just leave her."

"I'll explain things to her, I'm sure that she'll understand, and there's enough of us that we can keep her safe for the time being. Just go in the mountains for a few days, be at one with nature or whatever it is that you guys do."

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "And here I was thinking that you weren't the stereotypical white guy. But I think that you're right, I need a couple of days to think about what I'm going to do. I'll leave tonight, after Nichole is asleep." Jacob wanted to see her before he left, in case this was the last time that he would see her for a while. "What would you do, if you were in my place?"

"Jacob, you and Nichole had sex, and that comes with consequences. Nichole has chosen what she wants, and I think that you know what my answer would be."

"Right...let's just get that test and get back. We may be stressing out over nothing."

"I highly doubt that."

"Oh, will you just drive already?"

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